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ASP hacking???

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, I am trying to find vulnerabilites in a site that used ASP. It is mostly a portal with news articles and the such. Theres got to be an admin panel somewhere!! Any ideas?


Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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well, generally ASP pages are more vunerabl to SQL injection. but since it is very rare to find sites with that are SQL injectable, i doubt it will work.

perhaps just check up on security focus on pre-discoverd exploits on that particualr CMS.

ghost's Avatar
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..or we could try NOT being a script kiddy..

and download a copy of it ourselves and look through the code by hand.

ghost's Avatar
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thousandtoone wrote: ..or we could try NOT being a script kiddy..

and download a copy of it ourselves and look through the code by hand. I love how hypocritical hackers are.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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how is that hypocritical???

ghost's Avatar
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I don't think, (assuming the guy quoting me isn't a moron,) he was talking about me being hypocritical..

Maybe he was talking about the guy who suggested that people go look for prewritten exploits, who probably preaches against being a script kiddy other times. :)

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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ah, fair enough then.

well, depending on the exploit, some do require a certain level of skill to carry out.

i would of said what you said about "download it and look through the code". However judging from the guys thread, i came to the conclusion that he obvioulsy has little skill, so doing that woudlnt be very effective.

ghost's Avatar
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I know, I know, no need to get all defensive.

I'm just giving you a hard time. :)

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, I can't seem to figure out which CMS is uses. THe pages doesn't use any paramenters at all. Each article is an ASP file on its own. Also the meta tags show that it was made using Frontpage???

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta name="netinsert" content="">

I tried the usual _vti_cnf and _vti_pvt without effect. Also gogoling for netinsert turned up the name of a web directory. THe tags are used to specify the category of the site in the directory. Any ideas on getting more info on the CMS?
