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Instagram, Facebook.. Social media sites

cmoneyfreshh's Avatar
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I'm not asking how to hack social media sites. I want to know what parameters are used and what the level of effort would be to do something like this? Would you rely mostly on the source code? Would you need a lot more than that? etc.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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Create a shock article with a false title provoking social media users to click it and have it redirect them to a malicious server that asks them to re-authenticate to view the story and just begin collecting mass amounts of credentials into a SQL database; then use SQL queries to export everything into a text file and post it on the Dark Web..

There's many ways….

gobzi's Avatar
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Scar0ptics wrote: Create a shock article with a false title provoking social media users to click it and have it redirect them to a malicious server that asks them to re-authenticate to view the story and just begin collecting mass amounts of credentials into a SQL database; then use SQL queries to export everything into a text file and post it on the Dark Web..

There's many ways….
