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Sql injection, localhost users only

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Let's say I managed to exploit an sql injection in a server ( i am just testing, nothing illegal ). Well, what I get is user password host someacc, somepass, localhost or some other server, but NOT %, global access. (I am always talking for mysql.users table and of course only union is available, ; char is filter automatically ) Is there a way to actually use this information? If there is what kind of technique/attack do I use?

BTW if you re facing some language/collation prob etc instead of using select null,password COLLATE utf8_bin from table or whatever in your statement, use select null,unhex(hex(password)) from table That thing (it works in my tests) took me sometime, I hope you'll find it useful :D

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:(, no response at all?

I presume it is not possible to trick the server somehow. Only if you penetrate some of the other machines that have accounts with access. Or my ISP's servers… gg