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does this mean LFI?

ghost's Avatar
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i was wondering what this means

[removed] I will NOT post links to websites that have been hacked, or I intend to hack. Ever. I'm in a reasonably good mood, so no warn. –MoshBat

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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This is gonna be fast I think, so I'm gonna be brief:). Arguably this is against rules of the forum(no posts of websites you intend to hack), but anyway the error you get only means there is include function(although at least there is file disclosure, giving out the name of files included). For lfi, there needs to be include function used dynamically e.g. through get variable (index.php?page=index.php) so you can 'hijack' the function and include what you want. So to anwer your question, no this doesn't indicate LFI… Btw if you don't want warn points, I would remove the website, or show proof you are allow to pen-test it/it's yours