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Embedding IP logger in flash video.

ghost's Avatar
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IP loggers can be embedded into images and anyone who views the image has their IP, well, logged. So with this information one may assume that it is possible to embed other malicious scripts into images. Now we may now assume that the same can be said about flash videos. I dont mean including the IP logger script inside the Embed script but rather inside the video itself. I cant seem to find more information on how I would do this and I cant seem to figure out a way to do it. Any idea on how I would accomplish such a thing? Comments are appreciated and if anyone has any information on this I think it would make a great article (just a suggestion).

ghost's Avatar
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Well, the server needs to parse them as PHP so you can write information. Assuming this, you could upload a .swf file and have it write to the server at which point your goal wouldn't be to get the ip of the users but to get a shell on the server. If the server just embeds external swf's, then you can parse PHP with the .swf on your server and then log the ips the same way you would with images.

ghost's Avatar
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From what I've read, it's not possible to grab the user's IP address from within Flash itself (using ActionScript). All of the examples I've seen have involved Actionscript calling a script written in a server-side language. So, just write it in your favorite flavor, then have ActionScript call the IP logging script.

spyware's Avatar
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Edit: NVM, stupid idea.

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks, sounds simple enough.