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How would use it ?

ghost's Avatar
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I've found a script in php to brute force. But i dont know really how use it. The link "dico.txt" is not a problem, I've got it.

 $post = $_POST['post']; 
 if($post != "" ){ 
 echo "à decrypter = $post<br>";
 $file = @fopen("dico.txt","r" ); 

 echo 'Impossible de trouver le fichier dico.txt';

 while (!feof ($file)) { 
 $buffer = fgets($file, 4096);
 $buf = md5(trim($buffer)); 

 if(trim($decrypt) == trim($buf)) {
 $passe = $buffer;


 echo $a." Mots dans le Dico<br>"; 
 if($passe != "" ){ 
 echo "Le programme a reussi a decrypter le mot<br>Le mot est : $passe";
 echo "Le programme n'a pas reussi a decrypter le mot<br>Vous devriez mettre un dictionnaire plus important";
 ?> ```

Should I put it in a page ?
What I have to do ?
PS : I know the PHP.

yours31f's Avatar
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Yes, you have to put it in a page. Are you sure you know php?

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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if you don't know how to run it, I guess you haven't coded it, thus you don't understand what the script does. Take the code, research it understand it, recode it and then run it !

spyware's Avatar
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Smart enough to remove the comments. Hm. OP is a troll. Cease this thread.

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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I'm quite sure, if you do not know how to use that script, then you do NOT know PHP…

Well, to answer your question, you would have to upload it to a server that supports PHP…

You could use a page hosting it at www.110mb.com

or use xampp and host is yourself… http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html

You should try to learn to code instead of using other people's scripts as well…

Learn some HTML, JAVASCRIPT, and SQL, VBS, and PHP here

Some C++ here http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/

Maybe a little python http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/tut/tut.html

MSDN is always nice. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx

And GOOGLE is your BEST friend…. http://www.google.com/ig?hl=en

But it is really up to you, what you what to learn…. Or if you just want to use others' codes…

Best regards,

ghost's Avatar
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Night_Stalker wrote: <lots of misdirection> Also, I've got a book on 8088 Assembly, some Turbo Pascal source, and a PII running DSL… that's bound to help. Anyone got any Lisp source or a DB2 backup? VB4 source will sub for one of those, thx.

ghost's Avatar
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lmao @ zephyr

ghost's Avatar
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thanks for your answers, i didn't do this script, however i understand it. But my question is : for exemple, on the page pass.php, where i need a password. The code would be :

&lt;input type=&quot;password&quot; name=&quot;post&quot;&gt;
&lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot;&gt;
if ($_POST[&#39;post&#39;] == &quot;world&quot; )
echo &quot;You have found the password.&quot;;
elseif ($_POST[&#39;post&#39;] == &quot;&quot; )
echo &quot;Enter the password.&quot;;
echo &quot;Try again.&quot;

Of course, i don't know the PHP code of pass.php. So how can i do to know it or to access at "You have found the password" with the first code i have posted ?