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form editing using javascript need some help

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I need this to edit a form using javascript and I would like to know the proper way to do it in javascript rather than using firebug, because I can't ask the people on my site to do the editing themselves. I want to be able to change their forms in real time.

What I need to know is how to edit what is submitted in a form. There is a button <form id="myfrom"> <input type="submit" id="ready" value="ready" name="ready"/> ….

How do I using javascript change the form button values 'value' and 'name' from 'ready' to 'not ready'

Thank you guys so much.

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Since your button has both a name and id, you have two options available to you. We're not going to get any deeper into the DOM at this point; the following methods are fine for what you're trying to achieve.

By name: document.formname.elementname.value

By id: document.getElementById(elementid).value