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application challenges

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

ok guys i need help. im trying to do app challenges and i have a flash decompiler, olly dbg and notepad and cant find any of the passwords on any of the challenges. any help is appreciated.

ghost's Avatar
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Just having the tools isn't going to help you. For the "challenges" here, try reading the articles/old forum posts for basic techniques.

Except for one or two of the later "challenges", all of these can be solved with little hassle once you get a grip on what you're doing.

Remember, if you're stuck, it's okay to take a break. When I first started, I would step away from the problem for months at a time to research new techniques, and then return with a fresh perspective.

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

ive read alot of the articles and all tell me to "use notepad and you should see the password in ascii." or "use a flash decompiler and you should see the password"

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

sorry double post.

ghost's Avatar
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speaking of flash decompilers, any good freeware ones?

Futility's Avatar
80 120

I don't know about any free ones, but the trillix demo should get you through the challenges.