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SQL injection.

ghost's Avatar
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Hi HBH-users ^^

So eh, I've found a lil' exploit on one of my websites and want to know if you guys can fix this :D

Well, If you give in this link http://www.***.com/modules/vwar/extra/online.php?n=_member%20WHERE%20memberid=-999%20UNION%20SELECT%200,CONCAT(memberid,0x3A,name,0x3A,password),2%20FROM%20vwar_member%20%20/

It give you all usernames and passwords,

Here's the code of the file:

/* #####################################################################################
 * $Id: online.php,v 1.26 2004/02/24 21:07:24 rob Exp $
 * This notice must remain untouched at all times.
 * Modifications to the script, except the official addons or hacks,
 * without the owners permission are prohibited.
 * All rights reserved to their proper authors.
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * http://www.vwar.de || Copyright (C) 2001-2004
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * #####################################################################################

// ####################################### CONFIGURATION  ###############################

// path to your main vwar-directory (with final ' / ')
// -> from the site, where this extra is included!
// -> use absolute path if you have it included in files with different directories!
//          (e.g. /home/www/htdocs/mysite.com/vwar/)
// -> if included in your _header.php/_footer.php, it is normally: './'
// -> if not, use: './../'
$vwar_xroot  = "./../";
include ($vwar_xroot . "modname.php");

// define how long a member will be shown after his last activity (in minutes)
$onlinetime = 10;

// include header- & footer-information (1=enabled / 0=disabled)
$include    = 0;

// ######################################################################################

// ################################### display members  ################################

// check, if we need to get some global vars or if we need to include them
if( !defined ("VWAR_COMMON_INCLUDED") )
	$vwar_root = $vwar_xroot;
	require_once ( $vwar_root . "includes/functions_common.php" );

if ( $include == 1 )
	include_once ( $vwar_root . "_header.php" );

if(!defined("VWAR_LAST_ACTIVITY") && $whoisonline == 1 && !empty($GPC['vwarid']))
	define("VWAR_LAST_ACTIVITY", 1);
	$vwardb->query("UPDATE vwar".$n."_member SET lastactivity = '".time()."' WHERE memberid = '".$GPC['vwarid']."'");
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
		<td align="center" colspan="2"><b>Activities in the last <?php echo $onlinetime; ?> minutes</b></td>
$query = $vwardb->query("
	SELECT memberid, name, lastactivity
	FROM vwar".$n."_member WHERE lastactivity > ".(time() - $onlinetime * 60)."
if ($vwardb->num_rows($query) == 0)
		<td align="center" width="100%">Nobody online right now</td>
	while ($row = $vwardb->fetch_array($query))
		dbSelect ($row);
		<td align="left" width="70%">» <a href="modules.php?name=<?php echo $vwarmod; ?>&file=member&action=profile&memberid=<?php echo $row['memberid']; ?>"><?php echo $row['name']; ?></a></td>
		<td align="right" width="30%"><?php echo date("H:i",$row['lastactivity']); ?></td>
if ( $include == 1 )
	include_once ( $vwar_root . "_footer.php" );

If anyone could help me, I'd be very happy :p



Mr_Cheese's Avatar
0 1
$_GET[$name] = mysql_escape_string($var);

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Thanks but,

Where do I put it? :o

spyware's Avatar
0 0

Before you are going to handle any GET request, obviously, try the top of the page ;x.