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Help a confused noob at xmas

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I got the ip of this website, and scanned it with nmap it had an ftp port open so i connected to it, but its password protected and nmap says its running pureftpd which has no exploits (not that i know where to enter the exploits), so now basically im stuck and was wondering if there is any way to bypass this or another way to do it completely? (if anyone wants to mentor me that would be awesome, im studying hard but i still need somethings explaining in laymans terms)

ghost's Avatar
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01001001 wrote: I got the ip of this website


and scanned it with nmap it had an ftp port open so i connected to it


but its password protected


and nmap says its running pureftpd which has no exploits

OH NO. =[

(not that i know where to enter the exploits)


so now basically im stuck and was wondering if there is any way to bypass this or another way to do it completely?

k, there iz dis souper pro way to hack unix machines, itz private so dunt tull ne othur AYCH PEE groups cuz unix machines is like the hardest to hack and i dont want ne 1 stilling my oh-day. k, so first u load up phierphawks and point it at ur target's URL (Universal Relapse Locator). then u hold down the f5 key, and wait for an hour. and there u go, u hacked unix!!!!!!1! what u did is create a DoS (Dicks or Something) condition in the webservur and hacked it so no oen kin get to it.

(if anyone wants to mentor me that would be awesome, im studying hard but i still need somethings explaining in laymans terms)

All bullshit aside, you're trying too big, dear. Look smaller.

ghost's Avatar
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Did you just call me dear???? anway yeh i may be aiming high but still, little help lol.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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anway yeh i may be aiming high but still, little help lol. Sure learn how to spell for one, Then once you get past that learn how to hack something.@Lesser agree 100%. Read my sig. Don't come here to be spoonfed to hack something, Fucking learn yourself.

ghost's Avatar
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Help: Forget the website. Forget everything. Forget breaking into computers, forget "hacking", forget all of that shit.

Now, sit down for a week or so, and just play with your computer. Doesn't matter what OS it is, just play with it. Learn how it works, read about how it was made, learn its quirks and what it offers to you.

Now, having done that, make a website, and start to play with that. Doesn't matter what it's coded in, just play with it. Learn how it works, read about how it was made, learn its quirks and what it offers to you.

Now, having done that, take a look at the applications on your computer, and play with them. Doesn't matter what they are, just play with them. Learn how they work, read about how they were made, learn their quirks and what they offer to you.

If you did all that and had fun, you're a potential "hacker"/reverse engineer/web auditor. You can move onto bigger steps depending on what you enjoyed the best.

If you ever got bored, you're in the wrong place…dear.

ghost's Avatar
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im dyslexic, and ok suggest something i should read so i can learn, dont try and be a smart ass and say the dictonary though :( also i dont see the point in having a fourum to talk and ask people stuff if they dont help you, you dont have to spoon feed me but jeese at least offer something other than insults and abuse.

ghost's Avatar
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Ok, thanks lights of heaven, will do.

ghost's Avatar
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Brutus ftw…

Anyways, I may be a newer hacker(If even that) but at very least I can tell you that through experience in other areas there are no shortcuts to greatness, period.

The only true way to further yourself is only to help yourself, don't depend on others very often, infact, it would probably be better to only ask for help in dire need, you end up better for your efforts.

ghost's Avatar
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Thank you and you have a good point. Im gunna go back to the drawing board.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Brutus ftw…

Brutus??? Yeah and get sub7 and metasploit too that way you can really skiddie yourself. Come on WTF!

ghost's Avatar
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You neglect the fact that almost everyone starts out as a skiddy anyways, even if that, no one is automatically going to be a scripter that can engineer anything. There is nothing wrong with being a skiddy starting out, depending on the level of course (n00blet begging for help types of stuff are too far, but using programs to explore on your own are fine, it gives you a basic idea)

At very least that stage gets you interested in how those programs work and what makes them tick, which is where a majority of the hackers emerge from, the only skiddies that are annoying are 13 year old immature know-it-alls, As long as they realize that its just the first step and not the greatest thing in the world it is no real problem.

That and you must realize one of the cardinal rules of programming is not to reinvent the wheel, so if something is already out there then there is no real reason to remake it, just to improve upon it.

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ghost's Avatar
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Steeevy wrote: <\flamewar>

I don't see any flames here, I see intelligent discussion. Move along, now.

ghost's Avatar
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-cL wrote: [quote]lesserlightsofheaven wrote: 01001001 wrote: I got the ip of this website FUCKING PRO.

and scanned it with nmap it had an ftp port open so i connected to it


but its password protected


and nmap says its running pureftpd which has no exploits

OH NO. =[

(not that i know where to enter the exploits)


so now basically im stuck and was wondering if there is any way to bypass this or another way to do it completely?

k, there iz dis souper pro way to hack unix machines, itz private so dunt tull ne othur AYCH PEE groups cuz unix machines is like the hardest to hack and i dont want ne 1 stilling my oh-day. k, so first u load up phierphawks and point it at ur target's URL (Universal Relapse Locator). then u hold down the f5 key, and wait for an hour. and there u go, u hacked unix!!!!!!1! what u did is create a DoS (Dicks or Something) condition in the webservur and hacked it so no oen kin get to it.

(if anyone wants to mentor me that would be awesome, im studying hard but i still need somethings explaining in laymans terms)

All bullshit aside, you're trying too big, dear. Look smaller.

Please LLOH, grow up.

I can actually remember when you were a little skid. You were exactly the same.

In fact, most of us were exactly the same. So can you PLEASE for once instead of flaming, write something constructive?![/quote]

I'd have to agree with lloh. Not only is this thread full of lulz, he knows nothing.

ghost's Avatar
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Maybe you should read down, and look at the massive fucking amount of help I gave him, instead of getting raged at the first post and immediately hitting "reply".

You amaze me sometimes, -cL.

ghost's Avatar
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-cL wrote: I did not rage at the first post.

If you didn't, you wouldn't have replied.

The second post was better but you could also have pressed edit.

Who cares, the message still got across, you'll note that the guy wasn't even offended after the first post, he recognized the situation he was in and knew enough to pursue further help, which I gave.

The reason that HBH has gotten fewer new members lately is because of all the flaming. It is true that most of the people that visit here is a complete noob and only want to hack some goverment shit but 1/100 is willing to learn and that 1/100 is now visiting EG or ZI because all that he meets when he comes here is flaming.

And you think I give a shit about the commerce and traffic of your website? Man, you really are as dumb as you look.

Bottom line: I come here to give direction, provide materials (ebooks/papers), intelligently discuss computer security, and above all, learn. I am not a page-hit generator.

ghost's Avatar
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-cL wrote: First of all, this is not my website.

It may as well be. Cheese is never here, and you're his troll.

second, you should give a shit.

I'd love to hear why.

third, please go to bed and sleep off your ignorance. That was unnecessary, and unfounded. But hey, whatever. Why're you flaming, man? Flaming doesn't help anyone, man. Flaming doesn't solve things, man.

xD. Littlebubbleslittlebubbleslittlebubbles.

ghost's Avatar
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-cL wrote: I said,

Thou shall not flame Noobs

Didn't say anything about an average skilled person.

Fair enough, I'm going to the cinema. Peace.

mido's Avatar
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Many people turned dumb, and really post bad posts, and y'all should get off that kiddish. Someone asked for help, offer help or shut the hell up, nothing forces you to post if you don't know.

If you post flames, just flames, then you know nothing. Remember when you were noob, and few flamed you, you won't feel good if you're in the same situation (and even if you have been flamed).

Hey… Wait, and you're making all of this awaiting all of others to show their respect to you? UTTER FALSE, they give you respect by what they see from you, help, and your skills, and maybe your kindness too, so don't try to be as someone else always flame, and you liked that way, so you do so, you should get off that style, and be yourself.

Edit: You all flame much, flames are not bad, but you insert your uselessness flames into threads, feel the thread starter, when he sees shits about what posted, show some respect, even if he's 100% noob.

If he's really 100% noob and you do this, so you're 1000% noob.

ghost's Avatar
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n00bs and skiddies are like children, if you do everything for them they end up spoiled, but if you teach them they learn because they are easily influenced by adults, or in this case real hackers out there.

In my case im not sure if I can even be called a hacker, but regardless I study hard in my spare time in hopes of one day actually becoming a hacker of true caliber. Someone of low level should not be scorned for not knowing, but welcomed with the thoughts of new possibilities and perhaps a potential talent that might prove useful.

I may sound like some type of philosopher, but regardless, n00bs need to be taught, not flamed.

spyware's Avatar
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Yeah, so basically, no.

They sit around the same table, fearing everything.

And you help, help what? You help the devil.

ghost's Avatar
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hey spy. xD

Merry almost christmas.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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I'm the devil but anyways had to respond to this>>>>

You neglect the fact that almost everyone starts out as a skiddy anyways

People starting out should learn on their own by exploring,testing and a lot of trial and error. If you start someone out with premade clicky click gui programs they will never learn to do stuff on thier own. We all know most of these programs are bullshit anyways. And people should't post I have an ip or website they want to do something with anyways. (Same should go with school hacking too) God I hate that shit.

ghost's Avatar
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If they're actually meant to be a hacker, that GUI program makes them curious enough to find out how its made, and you know where it goes from there