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Stupid Paypopups

ghost's Avatar
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okay can someone give me a little info on STOPPING these stupid things…they dont happen in IE7…but it happenes all the tiems in firefox…well not ALL the time…just certain sites….but anywho…what is it and how do i stop it?

mido's Avatar
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What things?!

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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do you have "block popup windows" checked in firefox options?

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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mido wrote: What things?!

read the subject line

ghost's Avatar
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ya i have that checked….and i tryed addblock or whatever the addon was called and that actually made it worse….soo i dunno they drive me nuts…

ghost's Avatar
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I guess a certain site could just have really annoyng sponcors. Maximum pc november 07 had a nice section on cleaning and inoculating pc's. even covered stuff like root boxes. They havn't posted it on their archive yet though. $9 in stores or: http://www.maximumpc.com/articles/PDF%2BArchive

hope this helps and good luck