Directory Listing Denied: Need to bypass
Hello, I need some help getting passed a directory listing thats protected. Here is the ending of the URL that is the directory im trying to access: …/henrico/smith_d/assets%201/ I could get a file if I know the name of it. For example: …/henrico/smith_d/assets%201/CarbonCompounds2-3.ppt
I could have complete access to that file and download it.
Does anyone know how I could get a listing of all the files in that directory? Or access the directory?
Thank you,
- hotfoot
SlimTim10 wrote: I hope you realize you just gave the exact name and address of your high school (as well as your class name). I'll be seeing you soon ;)
Lol to bad that isn't my high school lol. Omg, want me to give you the whole story how I found that site? Here: I searched on google a question from my homework. I found this site and the lady posted all the answers to the homework.
Look at this for example:
It's the second link ;)