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taking advantage of proxies

ghost's Avatar
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So say I want to hide behind a proxy how would I go about doing so, something like internet anonym?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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download firefox - install proxy extension - find a decent working proxy

ghost's Avatar
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way ahead of u with the firefox extension. But what if I wanted a proxy for more than firefox?

ghost's Avatar
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Most internet programs have the ability to use proxies, u just enter the same details you put into firefox into the other program. Make sure its the correct type, and that u set the correct port etc.

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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if you need an extensive list of proxies a good site is http://www.digitalcybersoft.com/proxylist.

be aware that most of the proxiers out there will only proxy HTTP connections. if you need to proxy any other type of connection, you'll need to find a specific proxy.