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There's these 2 guys i know, they're studying CCE…and they're soon gonna finish their university years… that's what i got from them from the first guy: I hacked a site!! (he just changed something in the URL like for example forum_id=14 ==> forum_id=15 , and there was no point cz these others were accessible to members with the FREE membership) anyway that's the fun part, i asked him if he used a proxy n he didnt even know what that is, so after explaining to him, he said " How will they know my IP i didnt download anything from their site, just browsed it in internet explorer B)

From the second guy: He knows absolutely nothing abt SQL injection, but he knows SQL , so i explained what SQL injection is and had him help me with a vulnerable site (my first hack) and he saw me setting up "PROXYWAY" so he was like "What r u doing?" i explained it to him, so he said *How will they get ur IP and u didnt download anything ? *

Bottom line: It just makes me sick to know that these people will administer company servers and give way to hackers like the british hackers to fuck their sites, and destroy "good"(cough cough) hackers' reputation…..

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There not hackers. :) unlike you oh mighty god bows down

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yeh i know they're not hackers, but … they're engineers :S they're gonna be working for some company one day, and… i mean comone who doesn't know that when u browse a page u're like downloading from it's server on port 80 ==> ur IP is logged :S dont they even know that? CCE graduates :S

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huhueehue which reminds me, i had most fun this year when those universities sent ppl to do this .. "orientation" thingy lol :P they know nothing abt nothing .. "Our university is the best with financial aid! which of course u'll have to pay back next year, or we're so good that we'll give u another year to pay but there'll be a 40% fee" wtf!? lol n there's this other one who will give the students an oportunity to work within the university, for … 5$ an hour LOL… 10 hours for 100$ ??? screw it!

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god wrote: yeh i know they're not hackers, but … they're engineers :S they're gonna be working for some company one day, and… i mean comone who doesn't know that when u browse a page u're like downloading from it's server on port 80 ==> ur IP is logged :S dont they even know that? CCE graduates :S

Erm, get a clue? Seriously, just because they dont know that the server logs ips and downloads on port 80, whatever, does not mean they are stupid. Its just knowledge they havent attained yet. Really, you should think before posting.

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they've both done like 4 or 5 years until now…. i think they should've attained this intellectual level by now :P regardless, i think what grind said "90%…" is true..

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You honestly can't believe that all computer engineers and administrators follow that stereotype, or even that it's common. In general, every person I've met whos got a bachellors in CS/CE knows about 60x as much as any of the people on here who think proxies are wonderful or tracing IPs is amazing.

For example, Metsoc. He doesn't sit here and talk about how stupid other people when the content is just that stupid. Does that mean he's stupid or not as good as you for pointing out that a CE major is stupid? Of course not. I guarentee Metsoc knows more than you, if anything, based on formal education alone. If you thought of all of what you know of hacking and computers, college courses similar to what Metsoc took generally cover all you know in the first two weeks.

This isn't praise to metsoc specifically, just an example. 'Oh noez, you don't know what a SQL injection is, you must not be leet.' Exaggeration? Hell no. You honestly can't believe that you know more than more people with formal training. (Again note, most, not all.)

This is a bad stereotype. There is a spectrum of intelligence in any position, and assuming just because you've met a few on one end means most are like that is just a bad assumption.

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thosand.. wtf.. every post i've read from u so far has been bashing the ppl and community of hbh. calling someone stupid for calling someone else stupid? wow now ur showing ur intelectual side to the extreme. seriously calm down a bit, this site isnt to take out ur hate and anger on the users of the community. thats y god made walls, just punch some and itll all be okay.

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Haykuro, ever thought about quality of information? When people say things that are false, should you really let that go?

Piss off if you don't like a dose of realism now and then.

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i think alot of people coming out of school have loads of knowledge but no practical experience, doesnt matter how much you know if you dont know how to use it its worthless

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Ok, first of all I have a CS (computer science) degree not a CE or whatever else you called it.

Second, the goal of college and univerisities are not mainly to give "practical experience," as t3gatus put it. The point of going to college is to learn and to learn how to learn, You learn how how to solve problems. If you only want practical experience go to trade school and be out of a job in three years because you don't know how to learn.

God: not all people with a CCE degree are going into system administration. You can go into sofware engineering, software design, software test, program management, help desk, general IT, among many others. Like Watcher said, they're not hackers.

i mean comone who doesn't know that when u browse a page u're like downloading from it's server on port 80 ==> ur IP is logged :S dont they even know that? CCE graduates :SI mean come on who doesn't know that the MIPS opcode for bne is 000101? Who can say, without looking it up, what a Mersenne number is? Who know how memory allocation in the FAT or ext3 filesystems functions and who could implement it?

Grindoride: Do you really know what you are talking about? How many computer courses have you taken? Maybe you should take a real comptuer course. Also, 100% of system administrators are overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated. They have an impossibly difficult task. They can fix 792,349 holes in their systems, but if they miss one, they get in trouble. SysAdmins have to perform a very difficult balancing act. They have to balance security needs with business needs. Companies need to exchange information to do business. Also, SysAdmins can't control users from being stupid. If a user is stupid and loses his laptop, it's the SysAdmin that has to clean up the mess.

Just because someone doesn't know one or two things about computers, doesn't prove they are an idiot. For example, one of the smartest devs at my company doesn't know PHP, does that make him stupid? Of course not, he can code in C/C++ better than any one I know. He can also tear holes in any software design you can come up (if you even come up with a design).

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mm hey ok u're right, sorry if u felt offended or sthg, i was wrong okayyy i admit it B) but i still think any computer related engineer should know that when u browse a site, it gets ur ip……doesnt he??

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I'm going to agree with thousandtoone and metsoc on this. While some admins may not know as much about security as we would all like (to get a sense of what I'm saying, read the SecurityFocus Incidents list), but they can manage a network. And thats a skill in its own. I'm not trying to flame anyone, but god, before you post about how stupid they are for not knowing SQL injections, or that they're stupid for not knowing that they're logged for browsing a site, could you build a class B sized network? Do you even know about the different network topographies? I know a few people who have formal degrees and certifications, and they know alot more than many self professed experts.

Sys admins are just the poor overworked underpaid people who keep our networks running. And, as with everything else in life, its true that some are better at it than others. What they really need is a layer between them and the users, so they can concentrate on thier jobs, and not have to constantly be running off to users to help them with problems like "My computer froze!" or "I can't access my email!".

Just my 0.2.

Oh, and BTW, god, in reply to what you said about computer engineers knowing that you're IP is logged when you browse a site, no, they don't have to know that. I have a friend who does OS coding (him and metsoc could get together and discuss FAT and ext like metsoc suggested in his post ;) ), and he didn't know that. But, I bet that he could code circles around most of the people at this site (myself included).

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mm okay i said i was wrong n i say it again!!! maybe i talk quickly sometimes before i think! that enough ? :P I really admit i was wrong!

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im confused did you just diss england "god"?

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