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Google Dorxx

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I found this site some time ago, that's a treasure for ppl who like google dorks… by the way "google dorking" is using google to find unsecure servers, or 'sensitive' public directories.. http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/index.php?module=prodreviews

easiest google dork 'intitle:Index.Of.Etc" –> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=intitle%3Aindex.of.etc

sthg i do: i usually use a proxy and dont even open the page, but i open google's cache of the page (which is sometimes out-dated) , if u do that to a "what's my i ip" site it gives u google's ip.. so its kinda like 1 more semi-anonymous proxy..

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, I found this site sometime ago. After you learn some of the keywords used in Google, you can easily craft your own queries for finding vulnerable hosts running some specific web application.


SySTeM's Avatar
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I defaced loads with a google thing

inurl:admin "edit news"

It'll search for all pages with admin in the URL and edit news in the body

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah i've used that site for a long time now… Googles cache isn't 100% secure, if theres a picture or something on the website, they will be able so see you ip anyway! But heres a way around it:

When you've found the page that will be your victim, copy Googles Cached-link adress, and put this in the end: "&strip=1" (without the quotes), then it wont show any pictures, and the website will only see google's ip in their logs.

But always use a proxy anyway!

ghost's Avatar
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mm nice never knew that u could add this … anyway sure i use proxies..

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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That "&strip=1" thing is a transperant proxy. It doesn't really hide your IP. But it should stop a casual observer from getting it.

Also, another good trick is to translate the page from english to english. Its a bit more secure, but nothing like a good proxy.

ghost's Avatar
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n3w7yp3 wrote: Also, another good trick is to translate the page from english to english. Its a bit more secure, but nothing like a good proxy.

Does that works on babelfish to? i use that site alot just to translate but if its could be used for that kind of stuff …. would be very nice (muahaha)