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Hope this post isn't taken as a feable plead for a easy how-to or a learn quick post.

I'm Aqrhine Da Vinci.. I go to a tech school called High plains in NW Oklahoma, and have so far recieved my A+, completed semester 1 and 2 of CCNA, and take a night class on N+ (just havn't taken the test yet i think i could pass). I run a website and know php, some JS, of course html/xhtml.. Now that you know where I'm coming from I'll cut to the chase.

I've always wanted to learn how to "hack".. I put quotes because this word is vastly misunderstood and my own definition of what i mean when i say it is probably different then the vast majority of people. Out of my recent state of boredom which has lasted for the past few months other then dabbling in VB I decided to learn how to "hack" I discovered HTS and went through the first 10 basic and am now on the 3rd realistic (started 3 days ago).. Since the dicovery of HTS I also found out about SQL injections, more about JS injections, SSI injections and such of that sort. My question to you all is what is some more things to research? As for computers/networking i'm by far no noob in fact i've placed 1st in state and 11th nation in a competition with my tech school. So what would be some good articles to read or things to google for someone who isn't exactly a noob but just needs to learn more?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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you seem to know what your doing, and your deffiantley on the right track.

i'd suggest just continuing to learn the things mentioned in your post and become better and more advanced with them. The challenges on HTS and on this site, should be good for this. In my opinion the key to hacking is learning how things work, which you seem to have a good understanding of that. Once you have a good understanding on how things work and are structured, then you can begin to develop your own ideas and exploits.

Also, perhaps sign up to the next web wars event, then you will be able to see how others hack, and learn from them.

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what is best programing l;anguage to start with?

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I think once you learn how to program, learning a language is simple. If you know how to program, then learning a new language really only consists of learning the syntax and program structures.