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anonymous FTP

ghost's Avatar
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i'v been thinking what a anonymous user at a site can do.. i'v found some places with anonymous user enabled and they arent given permission… but i can see the whole directory's and stuff.. is there anyway i can change the permission's using the anonymous user :|

ghost's Avatar
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I dont think so. But the info can be usefull never the less.

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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Nah, if anonymous can't write to a directory, anonymous can't write to a directory. Only way ou'r egonna change that is if you 0wn the box and change the perms by hand.

However, anonymous can usually read (get) files. Also, most of the sites that allow anonymous FTP access are misconfigured (discounting sites like openwall and apche of course).

It used to be a big thing to grab /etc/passwd and/or /etc/shadow via anonymous FTP or even TFTP. Still can be done, just not very common.