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windows prob

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how would i go about getting remote access to a windows xp computer if i had a logon and a password at my disposal, is there any windows services that allow this, i need to do this without using an exploit. I have both linux and windows xp . any suggestions

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Hmm… You dont sound much like a Linux user, by the way you talk.

You probably should check out NetCat for Windows. It'd be better to use CryptCat, but I'm not sure if they have a Windows CC or not.

ghost's Avatar
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DownTone wrote: Hmm… You dont sound much like a Linux user, by the way you talk.

You don't sound like a very nice and intelligent person, you know, by the way you talk;;

In the future, give help, not criticisms

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Deshouleres, the most I've ever seen you give is criticisms.

EDIT: I'm just tired of seeing all these people say stuff that they really dont do, so many of them do it and it's annoying. Honestly, do you think if this guy used *NIX then he'd be able to figure this out on his own what with how many things like he's requesting are available on *NIX and (some) Windows? And you talk about giving help, the entire point of your reply was to criticize me, and it proposed no help whatsoever. Stop trying to act so much like you're a genius, because evidently you just like criticizing other people much more than helping.

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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Ypu fail to mention just how you'd like to connect to this Windows XP machine. If you're trying to connect via RDP (aka Microsoft Terminal Server), download the rdkestop client for *nix systems.

BTW, DownTone, nice sig. Perl rules. ;)

But my not make the line that validates the user input on the provided port to:

if($port !~ /^[0-65535]$/)

The first regex checks to see if its numeric and the seconds makes sure that its in the appropriate range… Kinda redundant, considering if its in the appropriate range to begin with, its numeric… Just a thought… ;)