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Background image for all the computers on the network from one souce.

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Alrighty first off this was googled to no avail. I know my school has a server or computer that all computers connect to, they get the latest news bulletin and school activities posted easier that way. I was wondering first, where might this image be, second how could I escalate privileges within the network quickly? I have the ability to use command on both windows seven and windows xp. I have the equivalent to guest rights. I have tried many tutorials from google unfortunately I can't have a lengthy drawn out attack/attempt to escalate from a guest-ish account. Reason being my school uses something called NETOP school which is a RAT which allows them to take complete control of our computers, display messages, and if they want kick us offline. How does this long drawn out plead for help all go together? I want to gain admin rights then I would like to re-enable the right click on some computers then change the background image to prove to the sysop that they can be exploited by teenagers, therefor just because you are a 35 year old guy who may have taken security 5 doesn't mean you are secure. Then write up a report and find a way to fix the holes in the system. (I already did this once when I showed them then wrote up a report on the "exploit" I did with the cmd)

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Random Idea VMware machine on a flashdrive with backtrack 5 r1 and some noob tools on there with it. Only issue McAfee is being a bitch and I think they have an ids.

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Okay spy, why would you post that?

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Well the school enforces a password policy of at-least one capital letter, one special character, and two numbers. Like my old password was my cat's name with the middle letter capitalized and the e and i 1337ed with an exclamation mark at the end. Worked well. The kid's who I watched put in their password had 1994,5,6, or 7 as the numbers (cain does 1-99 dunno about jtr)and normally had something along the lines of 12 - 20 char passwords (WOOT 24 char password) anyways we have a strict password policy. I could keylog but what can I do to make a keylogger that is bound to winlogin? I got too used to using metasploit I forgot how to do anything pro anymore.

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Also I wasn't trying to ask you to do my work. I wanted to know if anyone else did and what they know about it? I can't find jack and shit on it on google. So it's been irritating me. Plus the admins love me. They would most likely ask me how I did it, to fix it, and then how to patch it.:happy: