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Key Logger Help

ghost's Avatar
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I am in the process of making a key logger using the tutorial posted by bsdpunk, and I've run into a problem. I have all the files that I need except for the blat.obj file. I cannot find it on my computer and it's definitely not in the .zip folder. Can anyone tell me where to get this file or why its not on my comp? Did I DL the wrong file from the blat site? Help is appreciated.

starofale's Avatar
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Do you have a link to this tutorial?

j4m32's Avatar
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Read up about the whole process of "compiling" (Using the term loosely here, I shouldn't really)

Object files are usually generated as a result of initially compiling some source code (before linking), so it may not necessarily be missing anything, but rather something needs compiling to create the object file before the compiler can do the linking process (giving you the final executable).

If the guide hasn't said anything about it, it is probably assumed that the reader knows how to operate a compiler simplistically.

However, if you already have your finally built binary then the object file is not really needed.

Hope that helps.
