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Is it possible to edit built in plugins in ettercap? If so, could someone give some pointers, where is the sourceā€¦. i find very little info on this subject .


is it possible to use a wireless router as a signal amplifierā€¦. connect to a wireless network with router , repeat the packets with it ,if one doesn't have phisical access to a router

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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You'll find the built in plugins source code in the ettercap source tarball.

As for the router question, no. You can have a actual computer do that for you, but iirc you'll need two wireless cards.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Apparently I was wrong about that info. Sorry about that. It's actually possible to do with the DD-WRT router firmware, which is custom software you can upload to some router models. Considering most routers also only have one wireless card, I assume this also makes it possible to do with a computer that only has a single wireless interface. Again, sorry for the misinformation.