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Arduino and bluetooth

techb's Avatar
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Anyone have experience using an Arduino Duemilanove, and the BT-V06?

My uncle just sent me 4 packages full of over $500 worth of robotic equipment. 3 Arduino Duemilanove, Wifi shield, motor driver shiled, ethernet shield, GPS shield, proto shield, Brick shield, mp3 playback shield, LCD key pad shield,DFRobotic joy pad shield, BT shield, and two arduino minis.

Yeah, my uncle kicks ass.

Anyway, I'm trying to get the bluetooth shield working, but no luck.

ghost's Avatar
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lucky fuck. Check the examples thier pretty good. File>Examples> blah blah blah

Just make sure you have the appriate library. In 18 these go in library/ as opposed to the silliness they had before.