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Question about proxies....

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Hey, I was wondering: How do online proxy servers work? Like: http://www.hidemyass.com or http://www.unblock-facebook.net/

Website like those, where you type in the URL and it allows you to browse website through a fake IP. I was wondering: A) How they work and B) How would I code one? and C) Does the meta content/headers and such, have any effect? Because my IT teacher has asked me a few times to try and get around the filters, so he can fix it, I found a few ways… But they're all fixed now, so, I thought, if it doesn't allow proxy sites, he told me it's because the filter looks at the URL and if it says 'facebook' or 'proxy' etc. It'll be blocked, so if I create my own, I just won't include keywords, but he said it checked the source code (HTML I'm assuming) but he didn't say anything about meta content, so, I think this might work… If I knew what to do.. Thanks. -SaMTHG

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  1. Been there.
  2. Perhaps not, but there's no harm in trying.
  3. See point one.

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MoshBat wrote: What is a proxy?

* Main Entry: proxy
* Pronunciation: \ˈpräk-sē\
* Function: noun
* Inflected Form(s): plural prox·ies
* Etymology: Middle English proxi, procucie, contraction of procuracie, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin procuratia, alteration of Latin procuratio procuration
* Date: 15th century

1 : the agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another 2 a : authority or power to act for another b : a document giving such authority; specifically : a power of attorney authorizing a specified person to vote corporate stock 3 : a person authorized to act for another : procurator

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C) Does the meta content/headers and such, have any effect? Because my IT teacher has asked me a few times to try and get around the filters, so he can fix it, I found a few ways… But they're all fixed now, so, I thought, if it doesn't allow proxy sites, he told me it's because the filter looks at the URL and if it says 'facebook' or 'proxy' etc. It'll be blocked, so if I create my own, I just won't include keywords, but he said it checked the source code (HTML I'm assuming) but he didn't say anything about meta content, so, I think this might work… If I knew what to do..

Personally, if your trying to get by the school web filter, I think ssh forwarding would be better than a http proxy (providing your on a linux system at your school). Just set up a ssh server on a port at home that can be accessed from the school, configure firefox for forwarding, configure your server for forwarding, and all your traffic is encrypted and hidden from the schools proxy. Or, you could set up a http proxy with encryption, to stop checking of the source code, etc.

ghost's Avatar
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Ehrrrr am i missing a point or was there something developed for creepy places like school, work and public networks called a vpn tunnel? I just have a openvpn server listening at port 80 at home which i use always at creepy places.

AldarHawk's Avatar
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@OP - if you have done a google search on Proxy coding, then you have not done it correctly. What languages can you code in? Shoot me a PM if you want to talk, I think I can help you find the information you are looking for.

@MoshBat - Why not try to be helpful for once, instead of being a douche bag? You will get a lot further in life when you realize that just because you are knowledgeable in certain areas, does not mean everyone is. Also note, you do not know all, even if you have the disillusion that you do!

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MoshBat wrote: Fuck off, Eric.

I beleive you meant Erik.

MoshBat wrote: I was actually trying to help, in my own little way;

I think we've all noticed that 'helping' in that 'way' stopped working long ago when people stopped reaslising that they're aren't being insulted. Now it just results in petty arguments, that grow until someone gets bored. Why not just 'help' in the 'easy' or 'normal' way? That way the whole thing might actually have a tiny shred of fucking purpose.

MoshBat wrote: that and the fact I know this guy from a while back, and I know full well he can't code up a proxy.

Then help him learn how, after all.. that's what you claimed you were doing; at least, in your 'own little way'

[Edit] @OP: I suggest you take spyware's advice and brush up with some TCP/IP in PHP. Then you make the connection via that, get the content, encode it, send it, decode it.. roughly.. http://www.sics.se/~adam/phpstack/ there's a link at the bottom for you to download the code


or Just find a decent PHP tutorial and work from there :)

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MoshBat wrote: I used the default UK spelling. Next, trust me, I know this guy… And his antics. It's much more beneficial to all if he doesn't get the exact answer (simple cURL would do the trick, in most cases), but instead goes looking for himself, and let's face it, this topic isn't hard to find information about, and he learns. These days, people seem to have forgotten how to do their own work; all I do is highlight that. And I don't try and insult people. That is done by the person themselves, purely because they took offence at a mere string of words. Pitiable. and Did it work? You're right, they have forgotten. But trying to force them without them knowing wont work, they have to be pushed. Not given the precise answer, but not told to go and do all the work themselves. That way they'll get used to what they would need to do, were they to do all the work themselves, and next time they just might try it. Much more efficient than causing them to argue because they feel offended, whether or not they should feel that way.

AldarHawk's Avatar
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I will step in with some of my own advise. Most of the people here are school boys, so this will strike home for you all.

Yes, MoshBat, you are correct. You do not want to spoon feed people, because they will not learn. However, if your maths teacher does not explain WHY and HOW things happen as they do, many people will not get the logic behind mathematics. That being said, it is the same with ANYTHING! If you show people the right path, they will then beable to make the choice to follow the one shown to them, or to pave a new path. If they choose the later, then they are visionaries. If they follow the path put in front of them, they are learning still. I think your cynical way of thinking is childish, and it is actions like this which has made MANY of the higher thought of users leave this site. I still talk with many of the old "gurus" which used to prowl this site when I first got here. But you know what? They all have moved on because of people like you saying shit like you do. If you want to actually improve this site, please do just that, do not do as so many have done in the past and drive the people who can actually help away from this place. There is a lot of knowledge to be learned, however, if no one of knowledge is here to share it, we will just spread the use of tools and make the SK the new norm. I am sure you, or anyone who knows anything about anything wants that, so please, take the advise of people and think things through before you type it.

@OP: Please talk to me in PM if you are still looking to learn, I can give you a direction to start learning.

AldarHawk's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: What's the use of asking for an answer that you don't understand?

The point of asking a question is to learn how to solve the answer…I thought anyone with half a brain knew this.

Now. My rather offensive approach to things does this: It makes (most) people asking this kinda shit go away for a couple of days, hiding. Not always, and if they do not come back, it is just another number in the "members" section right? I am sure the admin team just wants a high member count…not a high ACTIVE member count.

And then, chances are they'll try looking for answers somewhere else, maybe even begin some research themselves. see my above note to get the gist of this as well…

Why is it that I must answer to people on my exact reasons behind my actions? because you know, and sharing said knowledge is how places grow, and people learn? That one not work with you? Because you are not a total moron and you understand that people need guidance some times? Not working for you again? Because not everyone learns like you, by getting a smack in the head and told to piss off? You get where I am going with these?

It would be nice to have you folks know I have reasons, and if you disagree with me, by all means say so. Not that it would have any effect whatsoever. No, because you, like the people you bash, are learning NOTHING with your actions. You will be a poor soul in the real world man, when you are not in school and being sheltered by your parents under a roof. I would love to meet some of your "friends" and see what they are like…better yet, just send me a picture of the inside of your car on a normal day (or your room) and I will be able to see what type of person you are…not that I cannot fathom a guess already by how you act. In my life I have met many people like you man. and I am sorry for you…

Anyways, if the OP ever comes back, please contact me for more information on what you are looking to do. I can help…unlike some people who just run off at the mouth (keyboard).

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MoshBat wrote: Wow. Way to miss my point.

I think you'll find you missed his, and mine for that matter.

MoshBat wrote: Google reveals the answer, quite quickly, and easily.

That doesn't destroy our ability to share information. Google is a good search engine, but sometimes SEO-prime results aren't what you want, sometimes you want something human.

MoshBat wrote: all the help is already there, easily available.

No. All the information is there, easily available. Help, on the other hand, needs to be personalised, hence why he asked himself, to get help for himself.

MoshBat wrote: Like I said, he needs to learn the basics before trying the "advanced" shit… One of those basics is learning to use the internet.

Why not just let him try the '"advanced" shit' and then figure that out himself, instead of starting a fucking argument because you feel the need to say something when you have fuck all of any direct use to say.

Before you start typing out a quick snappy response, arguing against each point that I made and trying to oncemore come out looking cocky and superior, try actually listening to what I'm saying, instead of just seeing it as an opposing argument.

Futility's Avatar
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May I interject? I don't care what you answer, because I'm going to.

Remember, if you will, another senior member who oft used this (let them do it themselves) train of thought to get his point across. Remember how he, too, saw the er of his ways and started lending (more) direct help. Now this member never was a full-blown "Fuck you, go learn it yourself" kind of guy. He'd use his wit to weave answers into his insults and was looked up to by most members on this site for his knowledge and directness. Don't get me wrong, his harsh words were… well… harsh, and he had, on more than one occasion caused people to complain about his opinion, but there ends any and all similarities between him another certain member of the site.

Then he began to get tired of the other member's shit. He was tired of watching Member2 drive users away with his constant pissy attitude and completely useless posts based around the fact that "Go google it yourself, n00b!" constituted help. He tried to do something about it and, in his effort, was banned from the site. His offense, you ask? Being an asshole and insulting other members. That's right, folks, banned for the very thing he was fighting against. And you know the best part? The other member hasn't even received a slap on the wrists.

Now I hoped the natural balance would be restored and Mosh (the second member, of course) would start to calm down. But, alas, he still sees himself as invincible, still thinks he's above the rules. "Google it" is not help. Telling someone "**they **can't do it" is not help. I don't care how you spin your fairy tales of "You guys just don't understand", you're fucking the site over. And the worst part is that no one seems to care.

So yes, be content that Spyware has been banned. Be content that Mosh continues to shit all over you guys. I hope you're content with mediocrity. Because by doing nothing, saying nothing, you're only accepting- nay, encouraging- it. How is it fair that one member's actions can be completely overlooked, while another's is considered a bannable offense?

Also- read this as a warning, mosh, I will no longer idly sit by and watch this happen, no longer fuel the fires from the outside. I've been waiting for my turn for a loong time, and now that spy's gone, consider me as a stand-in until he can return. I will point out every flaw, every hypocrisy, every minute detail of every post you make against another user. You are going to clean up your act, or I will be banned for pointing out the injustice of it myself.

But this can't be done by one person. The whole site needs to be reworked. We need suggestions on how to better it, we need challenges, we need things to draw members. We must demand change, no matter the excuses presented. "I'm busy" is no longer valid. "I'll do it later" is no longer valid. While these may be perfectly fine excuses on occasion, the developers and admins of this site have abused them far too much and haven't shown any signs of stopping. We must no longer idly sit by and watch this happen. We must fight. And if we do, we will win.

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Thank you Futility for posting something that was finally worth my time reading in this ruin of a thread just full of childish, boring, petty and pointless arguments. I feel there's little that I could add to this besides this token of me agreeing with and thanking you for your post.

But I will add this: the reason for the ban was utterly ridiculous, had he not spoken, I sure would've and I wouldn't have been as kind. I remember not too long ago, at least the regular members tried to help and improve the site. What happened? We could joke and even make April fool's jokes with the site. What happened? We dared to come with ideas and even try to implement them against a constant power pushing the attempts down. What happened? The will and understanding of this community has hit an all time low, is this what we resort to when there's a lack of n00bs flooding the site? There are already sites for idiocy, flaming and trolling, there is no need to make this another one of those. Find some will and motivation and try to contribute instead, this goes for all, make a positive difference in the community and progress. Even if you are new, don't be afraid of helping out if you know that you can. Don't let the few changes one can find scattered only remain a legacy of those who tried.

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I concur with both Futility and COM.

I've been less active on this site for the past few months mainly due to the lack of a positive attitude among senior members as well as lack of friendly support for newer members. I do, however see this as being partially my fault for not saying anything before and I can't really complain when I've made the conscious decision not to help change anything. Even so, I hate to see the community die away because It's helped teach many people worldwide a variety of things. I simply don't believe the power this community has had in the past should be stunted simply because of a select few members. I don't really feel like repeating whats been said hundreds of times in the past, but people need to be more active in HBH's community (yes, I know, hypocrisy). Most of this activity would come from the support of the administration as well as senior members. However, negative attitudes are greatly detrimental to the process of growth among any community. Someone is more likely to listen and understand any assistance if it is given to them politely rather than rudely. The harsh and strict method may be a great way to teach better and help build character in real life, but this is the internet, where people can simply click "back" and avoid what they don't wish to sustain. Perhaps if there were a more positive attitude around here, more members would stay and be active in the community.

Just my 2¢ on the situation. :happy:

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Futility wrote: May I … COM wrote: Thank you…

I could not agree more. However, I do, unfortunately, beleive that there's such a slim chance anyone will take notice of this. Chances are it will be locked, and forgotten. If not that, it will just end up with more petty arguments of people not willing to understand that it isn't offensive, merely the truth. But I for one do, undoubtably, agree, and will definitely continue to try and make people see, then learn, then teach.

ynori7's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: Well, the man giving the most noble of posts that I semi-quoted gave him the tools to do the job, by that I mean gave him full access to you guys. I was foolish to think you would keep your word; I gave you the tools to help, and you handed them out, as you said you wouldn't. So go and make amends, like I know you're trying to do right now by "helping".

How do you figure this doesn't prove his point? Let's look at this from a different perspective:

You broke the rules and gave Futility the plesk password. Futility then gave it (a password he had no direct obligation to protect) to somebody else. Now you blame Futility and act like he's the bad guy. Let's all blame our mistakes on somebody else. Why should anybody ever stand up and take the blame for their mistakes when you can place the blame somewhere else.

The entire point in Futility's post was not to point fingers at you. The point is that those in charge are failing in their leadership.

ynori7's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: I broke the rules because I thought he would help things, contribute, ya' know? I gave him the password, he was an Admin. … Sure, I played my part. I am responsible for most of the damage. But this part is key: I broke the rules to another staff member, he then broke his word to me, and the community by extension, and allowed the place to get fucked over. Excuses. Your reasons don't matter. You fucked up. That's that. And then he gave Fritzy the password, he thought he was only going to read people's PM's, how very… Innocent. Futility fucked up too. He makes no attempt to hide that. Now, my point, which you seem to have missed, is that he wants to help this place, get rid of any flaws, remove people like myself, and keep those he likes. Wrong. He's complaining about the fact that the admins here aren't doing their jobs right. They'll remove one person for doing something, but not another person for doing that same thing. You were an example he used, not a target that he wants destroyed. Okay, that's all fine and dandy, until you realise he's broken it more than anyone is likely to do again. I'm assuming that the "it" that he's broken would be the rules. Sure, he broke some. More than anyone else? Haha, no. More than many, maybe. Pot calling the kettle black? And that leads to neither of us being able to criticise the way things are run, who's allowed to stay, and the age old feud between Cheese and Spy. And neither of us deserve any respect.

Respect can be earned back. Futility has done so. You haven't.

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ynori7 wrote: Now you blame Futility and act like he's the bad guy. I am a bad guy. I fucked up, I'll admit it. I've never denied it. But I'm not the bad guy. Not anymore, at least.

moshbat wrote: Bring it, bitch. Mature. So far, my point seems to have come across splendidly.

Let's start with a little blast from the past. Everyone remember Fritzo? Yeah, that whole load of shit with the users? Well, the man giving the most noble of posts that I semi-quoted gave him the tools to do the job, by that I mean gave him full access to you guys. I didn't give him full access to you guys. I gave him full access to us guys. I was included in that. I trusted him, just like you trusted me. He betrayed me just as much as I betrayed you. I can admit I made a mistake and that I was wrong. It happens. No, it happened. Once. Someone I could mention is still making mistakes to this very day and is unable to accept or even acknowledge them. Who's the bad guy here, again?

I gave you the tools to help, and you handed them out, as you said you wouldn't. Yes, yes I did. And I apologized. Profusely. I've done my best to make amends and have taken my punishment without complaint. What more should I be doing? Would a pint of my blood be enough for you to drop this shit?

So go and make amends, like I know you're trying to do right now by "helping". lol. Seriously, I'm laughing. Do you really think that's what this whole thing is about? Is it really that hard for you to accept when you're wrong and take actions to change? I don't have a grudge against you from your past actions, merely your current ones. I could care less about what happened. I've moved on, have you?

Here's a post against you, Futility. Do. Your. Fucking. Worst. I see that you've finally played your trump card, your ace in the hole. Your worst has been used, I'll go ahead and save mine for a time when it really matters.

Now get this straight- I don't want you gone. I don't dislike you. I don't necessarily even think you should be banned. I'm not trying to build the 'perfect HBH according to Futility'. I just want to see justice. Spy gets banned for flaming, you… don't. Members get chewed out for acting like raging asshole, you… don't. I've been waiting for someone to bring this up, to notice what I've noticed. And you know what? I'm tired of waiting. I've realized that I'm that someone, and I'm gonna go ahead and be him to the best of my abilities. Why have I waited so long? Because I know I'm not perfect, I knew my past betrayal would come back to bite me. I thought that would void my point. But you know what? I was wrong. My point is as valid as ever because you, my friend, are out of control. My past respect for you means nothing anymore. You've forfeit that right long ago.

So please, for the benefit of everyone, take it down a notch. Try actually helping once in a while. Hypocrisy from me, I know, considering my lack of participation. While I'm not exactly the site's greatest contributor, at least I'm not a constant drain on it.

ynori7's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: There are some people's respect that I neither want nor care for, and I'll leave it to you to figure that out. Who's respect do you think you have?

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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WOW, That's all i can say. After reading this thread I'm not even going to bother quoting every misconstrued comment. All I'm going to say is I myself have been here a long time and have always strived to help and keep our member count alive. In my eyes NO ONE is immune to being warned or banned and I have no problem doing it. (Although I would rather reason with the person before going to this level). Spyware was banned for being ignorant and just down right a dick to everyone. I personally sent him Pm's to calm down so he wouldn't get banned to no avail, So whose fault is it … His! Any person treating other members in a shit fashion continually will be dealt with. I understand that sometimes flaming is necessary, Hell I've done it myself, You'll always have that "Hey can you guy's h4x my friends myspace for me" guy and that's justifiable but certainly not for simply asking for help. As far as Admins I personally would like to keep our active members alive and add as many new ones as possible, If people have bitches or rants feel free to pm me, I'm always open minded. That's about enough for now so can we get back on topic, or the thread gets locked. Thanks for joining me in my frustration.

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Only two actual replies… I see; though I had hoped for more, I guess I should be happy that an entire two people from the community saw the posts for what they meant and voiced their opinions. The rest sunk back into the renewed version of the previous argument, all because one person just had to continuously try to defend himself. The point wasn't only about this latest of disputes, that was used mainly to strengthen a long standing point, which is best done with something timely that has occurred.

Everyone is throwing hypocrisy around as if it was the greatest all-proving point in the world. It has no meaning here, only for those who can't differentiate. Everyone makes mistakes, trying to do something that isn't a mistake afterwards and making up for the mistake does not constitute hypocrisy. I hate to dabble in this little fight as it's not really mine to have, but I can't help but having to point out what no one else seems to have pointed out. What's been said by the futile and desperate hypocrisy claims is that it's somehow alright to continue in a bad way because one once fucked up, as that apparently doesn't make oneself a hypocrite. This should be done instead of trying to make up for it and doing what one should do anyhow. I call bullshit on that. If someone wants to help and make a change even though once fucked up, I say it should be welcomed, not used to try and make that person seem like an unreliable hypocrite.

Furthermore, when you give out a password to someone who shouldn't have it in the first place, no matter what you try to tell yourself and others, you're always making a personal trust based decision. Rankings and privileges are irrelevant to it. So MoshBat, I've got nothing personal against you, you should know that. However, this point you've tried to make, the card you've played against Futility. It's meaningless and holds no power nor point, realize it and stop this shit!

Specifically for korg, nobody is or has questioned your willingness to help, you of all people should realize that this hasn't been directed towards you. As I've said, this was a general outcry using a timely event to illustrate it. And if we now must get hooked on this particular damned case, then surely you should see that the banning of spyware was based on a personal grudge more than what he was doing. Arguments from his part have lately mostly been directed towards MoshBat who has also argued back just as much. Besides their own arguments the one who has posted the greatest amount of unfriendly posts in any form is MoshBat. If you say you're not afraid to give out warns and spyware even got banned for it, you should surely at least give MoshBat a high warn for it as well. One member getting PM'd does not excuse the behaviour of another member.

Anyhow, I find it interesting how a lock always comes to a thread like this. Not when it was just the pointless, petty argumentation that was going on, even though more than 50% of the posts were concerned only or by a majority with that and not the original topic. No, it comes when something interesting has come up. So fine, let's disregard the point of the posts and lock this. Moderation is as fine as it has ever been. A shame that a mere two took their time to understand this and voice their opinions.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Interesting, The thread would be locked because it is completely off-topic not because of opinions or comments. People are coming to this thread looking for information on proxies not outcries. Like I said before if you have a rant, gripe or complaint start your own thread. Also anyone I've seen acting out of line I pm to calm them down, It's more efficient and effective than bantering in the forums. Like I stated spyware had the choice to change or be banned he chose the latter, I myself liked spyware information he provided but most of the time he was out of line, I myself gave him a warn. As far as this whole Moshbat thing goes I personally think he has calm down and came a long way from what he used to be. But again if people want to get out of line and make these forums a total disgrace to the site, They will be warned or banned, If I got out of line I would expect the same to happen to me. (And it has in the past!).

Futility's Avatar
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korg wrote: Interesting, The thread would be locked because it is completely off-topic not because of opinions or comments. People are coming to this thread looking for information on proxies not outcries. People coming to this thread hoping to find information regarding proxies should have been turned away by the first response. The fact that it's been open this long shows that off-topic posts don't matter as long as they're directed either at the OP or from someone 'important'. But as soon as the content gets serious… well… censorship will abound.

Like I said before if you have a rant, gripe or complaint start your own thread. Do you know how many useless threads this would create? A point will be presented, misread, and forgotten about in a matter of minutes. By posting your qualms in an (already wasted) thread, you're insuring that the point is presented in the place where it belongs: the place where the (latest) offense occurred.

Also anyone I've seen acting out of line I pm to calm them down, It's more efficient and effective than bantering in the forums. Where's my PM? Where's ynori's? Did mosh get one? Who has been acting out of line? If you really believe this is 'threadjacking' and you want it to end, you can't merely threaten, you have to follow through. And equally for everyone. That's my point. If you're going to warn other members for offenses such as these, then why haven't we been?

Like I stated spyware had the choice to change or be banned he chose the latter, I myself liked spyware information he provided but most of the time he was out of line, I myself gave him a warn. Why did he have to change? Because he was insulting? Because he drove members away? What's more insulting or confidence-shattering than being told "You can't code one". No qualifiers, no "…unless you practice and do your research." No… nothing. Just flat-out "You're incompetent." Where's the warning for that? Where's the choice? Where's the justice?

As far as this whole Moshbat thing goes I personally think he has calm down and came a long way from what he used to be. It's doubtful that he's even improved a little, let alone come a long way. But hey, it's all up to interpretation. I wonder how many people would agree with you here. I would ask people to speak their opinion, but chances are high that they wouldn't respond. People are stupid.

But again if people want to get out of line and make these forums a total disgrace to the site, They will be warned or banned, If I got out of line I would expect the same to happen to me. (And it has in the past!).
This is my point. Everyone needs to follow the same rules, everyone needs to witness the same punishment. One member is warned for abusing others, everyone else should be, too.

Looks like the real winner in this thread is x_5631 for his spot-on prediction of the events that would unfold. I'd like to thank (the two of) you that actually had the initiative to respond.

Korg, I respect you, man. A lot. Nothing I've said previously had anything to do with you. I'm just looking for some consistency, some order, some justice. Face it, the site is dieing. Fast. And playing favorites isn't helping anything. Of course this isn't all that needs to be done, resuscitation takes a lot and requires motivation. It means that everyone has to get involved. And if there's anything I know about this site, it's that no one wants to take charge, no one wants to do any work. People have taken to declining new challenges because setting them up and maintaining them would be too much work. Hell, even allowing others to maintain them would be too much work. The funny thing is that even after seeing this, people will continue to do nothing and, by doing so, will continue to watch as the site falls apart. Good work, guys. Good work.

ynori7's Avatar
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korg wrote: As far as this whole Moshbat thing goes I personally think he has calm down and came a long way from what he used to be. It may look that way to the untrained eye, but it's only because he was forced to take the defensive. He couldn't be insulting everybody else because he was too busy trying to defend against spy's attacks.

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korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Futility Posted:

Where's my PM? Where's ynori's? Did mosh get one? Who has been acting out of line? If you really believe this is 'threadjacking' and you want it to end, you can't merely threaten, you have to follow through. And equally for everyone. That's my point. If you're going to warn other members for offenses such as these, then why haven't we been?

Threadjacking is not what I'm concerned about, It's the insulting, swearing and acting like a total dick to new and existing members. Let me give an example: Johnny hacker wants to code a bruteforcer in a google search he finds our site and says hey these guys are cool. He joins, jumps in the forums and asks but is responded by: "Your an idiot learn to code, Fuck off and die, Dipshit etc… He says this site sucks and never comes back. Guess what so do hundreds of other people who find that thread in a google search. This is what I'm talking about and yes people who are or were acting like this are the ones I set messages to. I'm not going to list who I talked to they know, But I don't send threats just advise on how to act. If you have a problem with another member use the pm's. I DO NOT and will NOT play favorites the same goes for everyone, Hell I liked spy he had his moments but what can you do. You can only help those who want help.

As for the rest of this I've been here almost 4 yrs now. I like the site and the fact that you can help people, Which I try to do as much as possible, There's no way I'm going to sit back and let this place die. New things are in the works, I have some plans myself just have faith people.

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f16e7 wrote: THEN WHO WAS PHONE? f16e7 wrote: Cough. What the hell is wrong with you? You must be stupid.

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ynori7 wrote: [quote]f16e7 wrote: THEN WHO WAS PHONE? f16e7 wrote: Cough. What the hell is wrong with you? You must be stupid.[/quote]

I'm thinking, Yeah.

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I see newbies asking low level questions. I see some old members bashing them. Regardless of the fact whether there was a good reason for bashing or there wasn't, but I don't see high level questions in this forum. Do old members here who pretend to know everything really have that ultimate knowledge in IT security? A big question mark is asked here. Why the hell I don't see older members posting some threads and asking questions to other members? Why some members are arrogant? (WE can't deny this fact!). Another question to ask: Is this community only a school to teach newbies and to answer their questions or also for IT security professionals to share their ideas? I sometimes see some high or let's say medium quality threads that get fucked up from the first or second reply due to some arrogant and ignorant assholes who pretends to know the answer while they hide behind their keyboards and try to throw their shit all over the place! I'm not trying to attack any member in here neither I'm trying to classify myself in any category. I admit that I'm not an active member in here (some work shit and other things aren't helping), but since the day I joined I realized that this community deserves better than the actual environment and all the shit in the forums and behind the curtains. Despite of my busy time, I created stegano_22 and tried to contribute a very little. I really like this community to stay. I don't mean an alive host on this internet, but a high quality community of newbies AND professionals. For all arrogant people in here. Not all thread starters are skids! They might be better than you so don't fuckin ruin threads just because you think that you joined this community before the OP or because you THINK you are super_1337s. Flaming are welcome when necessary. Dumbass and stupid people should be flamed. But don't take this as a green card!

I would like to thank Futility for his fighting against injustice. I would also like to thank korg for being a good admin who really cares about the community. Also a thank for all the other members who _contributed/are_contributing to this community, each on his way.

Thank you all.

(PS: Sorry for my bad English.)

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Wow is all I am going to say. I do not visit the site for the weekend and this thread turns into this?

Yes, some of the things I said were out of line. No I do not regret any of them. Yes I DO always try to help when I can, unless I am in a piss of a mood (which is when I should not visit the site). This all being said, I am saddened that Spy was banned because he is a great guy. Yes his wit did over do it some times, but that is the fun of it. Mosh basically just did what was described…He just basically told all to GFTS.

That being said, if the OP is still around, please post so we can get to the bottom of your question. Some of the old members do still want to help…

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Well after looking into some PHP and reading that tutorial that Mosh gave, I'm trying to go further than that. I read through the code of the tutorial which Mosh gave and I understood it completely.. Which by the way, I'm quite proud of, I know that there are much better coders on this site, but, go away, I'm proud of understanding the code. Live with it. So now I was thinking, if I set up a proxy script, on several different servers, I would be able to bounce it so that it goes through several different IPs.. Just an idea… Might not work.. And probably too advanced. And just by the by, I think everyone's being a bit harsh on Mosh… I know sometimes he can be a bit of a dick, however he is actually quite helpful sometimes.. In his own little way, and on MSN he's not bad… He's helped quite a lot in the past.. And also, even when it's directed at me, I find his flaming amusing.. That, of course, doesn't give him the right to act like a dick, but, I believe (this is just my personal opinion) that he's given quite a lot to the community and if not, to individuales like myself.. And thanks for so much feed back.. Even if some of it was completely off topic :P

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okay SaMTHG, Yes it can work that way, though I very much doubt you would not get a dropped connection if you go too deep. Also loading will be crap. If you are looking to build a Proxy via PHP it is a great tool to learn it all. However, if you are aiming on just learning the PHP snippets to get it done, then You are on the right track. I am glad you learned how to get the basics coded, but now try to take it one step further, figure out how to do forwarding of Flash and the likes via the Proxy, this is the hardest part of a real Proxy. That is why many PHP Proxies suck, because this is a small drawback of server side code like this. AJAX may be a good language to look into for this, however, do not take my word for this as I am nothing more than an average PHP developer so I do not know AJAX well at all. But keep it up and I am proud that you are learning.

On the subject of MoshBat. There are many ways he could have passed his information onto the users without being a total ass. Yes it is fun to read once in a while, however, if you are looking to build a great site that keeps the old users that know what they are doing, one will not want this type of activities (note the Spyware banning to know what I am talking about). Yes, it is fun, but again, it drives off the people who actually know what they are talking about and help out. It will also drive people away, that, given the right handling, could learn a lot and have a lot of potential, but by getting driven away, may turn in to the dreaded "S" word. So think about that before you go slandering people for asking questions. That is the point of this type of forum. To ask questions YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO!!!

Anyways, I am done my ranting. Sorry for all the crap that has happened here. I hope you keep learning the things you need to progress the way you want to SaMTHG.