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School Hacking

TROY's Avatar
The Krazy Bastard
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hey my school uses Windows XP Pro, and they admin is rather smart, hes blocked nearly everything and i was wondering if you guys had any sugestions on bypassing/hacking it

fuser's Avatar
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How about shooting yourself in the foot?

That at least makes me happier.

TROY's Avatar
The Krazy Bastard
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thats because your a retard

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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TROY wrote: thats because your a retard

No that is because you are one. Your question was in fact that idiotic, that whilst I was reading, it was actually damaging my brain… So shut the fuck up, stick a leg up your arse and GTFO

Oh and welcome on hbh

fuser's Avatar
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TROY wrote: thats because your a retard

Look who's talking, Mr-I-Want-To-Hack-My-School-cause-I've-nothing -better-to-do-then-piss-other-people-off.

Get the fuck off my sight, man.

TROY's Avatar
The Krazy Bastard
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you know what your problem is… well to be honest its quite simple actually its really unbelievably simple… your clearly american and if your not then go move to america. Come to think of it they should just start killing americans, we wouldnt need to worry about you all fighting back because by the time you'd noticed we'd be back in england

ghost's Avatar
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I was actually wondering something simular at points in time. Our school has a program called "syncron eye" or something which allows the admin computer to watch all the screen and take control, you can uninstall or change properties without admin permisson.

I'm not looking to fuck around with people just so I can say "LAWL I HACKED SCHOOL" but to try to get around the blocks, also It'd be nice to be able to check my emails during class without the teacher restarting my computer :P

ghost's Avatar
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You sir are a faggot and a waste of space. Americans had nothing to do with this, and now you've pretty much made an arse out of yourself.

If you really want to hack your school, fine. Don't bring it here.

In other words, do the world a favor by headbutting your monitor right now.

ghost's Avatar
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@OP Your post was a really stupid one, and what about americans? Your just as retarded as most of them are, if not worse. So just do us all a favor and stfu.

And this is to all people who just joined this site and wants to hack school and brag to his friends: Just don't mess with your school computers. If the admins find out what your doing, they'll probably take away your computer access.

And what's the point trying to do any personal matters like checking email? My classmate got closed from school comps a whole friggin year for just that. Just do it at home and there is no problem at all.

ghost's Avatar
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Please anyone with the ability BAN THIS TROY PRICK!!!:@ I could actually hear a voice in my head shout, "DON'T READ THIS POST IT WILL ONLY STUPIFY YOU!!!!!"…… After I had finished reading the post I was dribbiling like an ape on LSP and smacking my head sideways on to the nearest wall like a demented ret!

ghost's Avatar
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TROY wrote: you know what your problem is… well to be honest its quite simple actually its really unbelievably simple… your clearly american and if your not then go move to america. Come to think of it they should just start killing americans, we wouldnt need to worry about you all fighting back because by the time you'd noticed we'd be back in england

I'm disgusted to be from the same country as you, you useless piece of shit, Fuser isn't even American, and besides - national stereotypes are just that: stereotypes. They're not real. Have you ever been to America? How many Americans do you know? You come from England and yet you don't even have a firm grasp on your own language (which, knowing the average Englishman, is the only language you 'know').

I'm wasting my time writing this post, so I'll end the jibba-jabba now and get down to business…

falcon punch How'd you like that, you ugly sonofabitch?! Want more? kicks troy in the stomach, and he falls to the ground kicks troy in the face a few times

I don't want to see you around these parts ever again..we don't like your type around here. Now beat it! Just beat it!

yours31f's Avatar
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japanessedude: does your sig change location EVERY day?

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: japanessedude: does your sig change location EVERY day?

yours31f wrote: japanessedude: does your sig change location EVERY day?

Don't be so fucking insensitive about my nomadic life! I am a shepherd and have to go to wherever there are green pastures for my sheep…christ, that was so damn offensive. Don't you know ANYTHING about my culture?? Tomorrow me and my tribe have to somehow get across a huge fucking mountain range, with a heard of 200 sheep, and all you can say is "wah wah wah why does your sig change"…seriously, you Americans know so little about life outside America.

Now, back to the original topic. Wait, what was the original topic? Meh, who cares.

yours31f's Avatar
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oh, i just realized that every time i load the page it changes… cool.

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: oh, i just realized that every time i load the page it changes… cool.

oh, i just realized that every time i load the page you get dumber… cool.

heh, just kdding :)

It's not actually a dynamic sig (although, that is a great idea - and I'll look into perhaps making a dynamic sig for myself sometime in the near future). I just changed it a few moments ago.

yours31f's Avatar
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OK now that makes a little more sense to me, although I wonder how hard it would be to make a dynamic sig…

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: OK now that makes a little more sense to me, although I wonder how hard it would be to make a dynamic sig…

Very easy with a bit of php :) I could send you some example code later.

yours31f's Avatar
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ok but will hbh let you execute php in your sig?

Futility's Avatar
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Dammit. How do I always miss out on all the fun? Stupid school…

Anyways. TROY. You are…. You remind me of… Is it possible to be any more… Jesus. There just isn't a word to describe what I think of you. You who can't form a single sentence, yet poke fun at American 'incompetence'. You who expect us to do something for you, just so that you can look 1337 to your friends and brag about it.

Listen. If you ever do come to America, drop by my place. PM me for the address. I guarantee that I will notice, and that you never will return to England. I'm dead serious.

I'm not usually one for empty threats (I know you'll never come here. And even if you do, you would never show up at my house), but you're the kind of 12 year old skiddy with a superiority complex that really pisses me off.

I actually hope that you never read this. It means that we'll never have to put up with your shit again.

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: ok but will hbh let you execute php in your sig?

Ah, no, but, you execute the PHP script on your own webserver rather than on HBH. You'll then do something like youriste.com/sig.php in the image tags in your sig, where sig.php is a page which delivers a random image (you can use the header() function in PHP to change the mime type of the page to an image) Also, if you want to be fancy, you could use htaccess or edit your httpd.conf (or even just use some sort of mod_rewrite extension) to have the location of your dynamic sig as something.jpg, rather than something.php.

And amen Futility, amen!

ghost's Avatar
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SnigelSniper wrote: @OP Your post was a really stupid one, and what about americans? Your just as retarded as most of them are, if not worse. So just do us all a favor and stfu.

And this is to all people who just joined this site and wants to hack school and brag to his friends: Just don't mess with your school computers. If the admins find out what your doing, they'll probably take away your computer access.

And what's the point trying to do any personal matters like checking email? My classmate got closed from school comps a whole friggin year for just that. Just do it at home and there is no problem at all.

Well, most school don't even like you going on any "hacker" sites at school. They block like all computer security sites I go on. It sucks, I can't go check if someone replied to a post if I have nothing else to do because I finished an assignment like 10 minutes early :(. And yeah, they will take away your privileges. Of course, my school has a retarded default account on their computers (s1 - never heard of it before, but whatever) so I could still go on computers :D.

@ TROY: GTFO. No one wants you here. You call someone a retard, look at your post. Do you get "extra help"? You realize that when they tell you smart people get that help because they know they need help, they're lying to make you feel better.

Edit: BTW, not good at flaming, so this post sucks.

yours31f's Avatar
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cool, i'll probably mess with that later. And as for futility's post, also agreed.

ghost's Avatar
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TROY wrote: you know what your problem is… well to be honest its quite simple actually its really unbelievably simple… your clearly american and if your not then go move to america. Come to think of it they should just start killing americans, we wouldnt need to worry about you all fighting back because by the time you'd noticed we'd be back in england

STFU asshole. I am American and so are many of the members who contribute here, and you are clearly a very prejudice skid. You got flamed because you came to a community and asked a stupid question. Furthermore, you have just insulted people who help this community we have here loads, more than you ever have, and most likely more than you ever will. No Futility, let him stop by the hood/ghetto/projects. I guarantee you he'll learn in the ICU.:evil:

fuser's Avatar
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TROY wrote: you know what your problem is… well to be honest its quite simple actually its really unbelievably simple… your clearly american and if your not then go move to america. Come to think of it they should just start killing americans, we wouldnt need to worry about you all fighting back because by the time you'd noticed we'd be back in england

I'm not even american to begin with, you SOAB. Your parents should have practiced safe sex, you know. At least it saves people from the trouble of having to deal with you, you waste of oxygen.

I honestly can't see what's with your anti-American sentiment it's plain stupid, it's like all those irritating anti-China people who bash everything about China before going out for Chinese food.

ghost's Avatar
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japanesedude wrote: oh, i just realized that every time i load the page you get dumber… cool.

Ha… classic Wolf. :)

Oh, and as for the original topic… I'd like to be unique and answer in song:

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Mother mother fuck. Mother mother fuck fuck. Mother fuck mother fuck. Noise noise noise. 1 2 1 2 3 4 Noise noise noise. Smokin weed, smokin weed. Doin' coke, drinkin beers. Drinkin beers, beers beers. Rollin' fatties, smokin blunts. Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts. Rollin' blunts and smokin um' <> 15 bucks, little man, put that shit in my hand. If that money doesn't show then you owe me owe me owe. My jungle love. Oh e oh e oh. I think I wanna know ya know ya … yeah, what.

Source: http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/jayandsilentbobstrikeback/jaysrap.htm

Word. America will kick yo ass.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Jay and silent bob rock, Loved that movie. @Troy, You may be the biggest ass I've ever seen here.., Why would you say something that stupid about Americans when your clearly the problem. Oh, By the way I'm also American, Come give it your best shot.

yours31f's Avatar
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lol, i could probably take him on with one arm, I had three "friends" that took martial arts and tried to spar with me, so i made up my own form, and sparred them one on one, and almost never lost, then they decided to try 2 on 1 and i still won, but i never could talk them into 3 on 1. they said it would look to bad rather they won or lost, 3 on one is still getting jumped.

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: lol, i could probably take him on with one arm, I had three "friends" that took martial arts and tried to spar with me, so i made up my own form, and sparred them one on one, and almost never lost, then they decided to try 2 on 1 and i still won, but i never could talk them into 3 on 1. they said it would look to bad rather they won or lost, 3 on one is still getting jumped.

… Who cares?

yours31f's Avatar
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apparently you do. It made a big enough impact when you read it to make a remark.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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… Who cares?


ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: lol, i could probably take him on with one arm, I had three "friends" that took martial arts and tried to spar with me, so i made up my own form, and sparred them one on one, and almost never lost, then they decided to try 2 on 1 and i still won, but i never could talk them into 3 on 1. they said it would look to bad rather they won or lost, 3 on one is still getting jumped.
Man, all you had to say was he would get his ass kicked in America, we didn't need a flashback.

yours31f's Avatar
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yeah but i like being different… and yes thats what i call it.

Uber0n's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: yeah but i like being different… and yes thats what i call it. Please define what you mean with "different" in this context :right:

ghost's Avatar
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TROY wrote: you know what your problem is… well to be honest its quite simple actually its really unbelievably simple… your clearly american and if your not then go move to america. Come to think of it they should just start killing americans, we wouldnt need to worry about you all fighting back because by the time you'd noticed we'd be back in england

Dude you sound like your about 8 years old and can't think of anything else but rasist remarks. Yes it is rasist because you are 'insulting' a different culture, race and nationality. I think before you start posting things like that you should seriously consider where you are. This is a world-wide community and I am sure there are people on here that can do a lot worse than what you can say. I for one do not take kindly to rasism. Go learn something you little scrotum!

ghost's Avatar
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dude stole my fucking sig


EDIT: I use to hate it how people get abused on HBH, but now i see why the plain fucking stupid people get shit

ghost's Avatar
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mambo wrote: dude stole my fucking sig

Stole your sig?

ghost's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: lol, i could probably take him on with one arm, I had three "friends" that took martial arts and tried to spar with me, so i made up my own form, and sparred them one on one, and almost never lost, then they decided to try 2 on 1 and i still won, but i never could talk them into 3 on 1. they said it would look to bad rather they won or lost, 3 on one is still getting jumped.

Nobody cares / believes you. Il add this to my list of claims by you, its getting pretty long.

p.s. people dont care, theyre just compelled to open theyre mouths in distaste because your posts are awful.

fuser's Avatar
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speaking of which, where the fuck's the OP?

I still want to flame him senseless.

ghost's Avatar
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What does OP stand for?

ghost's Avatar
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Original Poster

Or obvious penishead in this case :D. Yeah, il grow up one day…

ghost's Avatar
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hahah I like it :P

Origonal Penishead giggles
