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Forceful browsing

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Yesterday I created a 'forceful browsing' program in java(for personal use, getting around an annoying index.html used to hide files in a directory) that basically just takes whatever is fed to it from a file, adds an extention, and checks if that file exists at a given URL. It works fine, but the big problem is the file that feeds it stuff to check. I made another program to make a file that contains a..z, a1..z1…a9..z9 to aa..zz,aa1..zz1…aa9..zz9, up to zzzz9, but anything higher than that would take days and days…. I found a dictionary file at this "Whack-a-Word" game site, ironically, that has a huge list of words, but half of them seem British/gibberish that I really don't need. I actually have a few questions about this: First, obviously, does anyone know where I can get a better dictionary file for that purpose? Second, would a server admin notice all those attempts to find a file on the server? I'm going to use findnot.com to mask myself(unless someone has a better suggestion for that), but we know each other, so I'm a little afriad that he might guess who's doing it. Third, the biggest cost in time for the program is getting a reply from the server, obviously, so would running the same program multiple times with different data files speed up the process? Also, I guess I should have asked this first, but is there an easier way to get around index.html files? I didn't want to come to the forum and say "Someone tell me how to hack this!", so I tried a few things myself; I just want to know if I'm going the wrong direction with this. Any other general advice is appreciated too. To be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing, so probably anything will be helpful.

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K about the getting noticed: would you get suspicious if you see thousand of lines all comming from the same ip with the request for weird named files? ;) second: There is allraedy a program made for this, it's called intellitamper and it can scan using a dictionary list too. There's a link to it in the download section. about the time to get reply: if you run more then one you are certainly going to dos the server or you first. Incase you are still going to use it (wich i won't advise if you don't build in a stealth function) look up the argon, or wordlists at packetstorm to get wordlists.

I hope this helped ;)

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Ahhh, thanks a bunch. I was searching for a program that did that, but I wasn't able to find one. But, before I use it, would IntelliTamper make the admin suspicious too though? Or does it have a way to protect against that?

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Nevermind…. After reading the help file, it seems it really doesn't help me anymore than the program I made(it's nicer, and more versatile, but I really only need it for one purpose) because it's not able to hide itself anymore than my program…. I guess no matter how you look at it, the server is always going to log anytime it sends back a reply, so it'll always be suspicious…. But, what were you saying about a stealth function? If you mean something to hide my IP, I have that thanks to findnot, but if you mean a way to make it so it's not logged, I'd be interested in more details. I'm not too hopeful of that method anymore unless someone else has some advice about it. Anyone know another method worth trying? Er, I should add, I'm still very thankful for the help, Anarcho-Hippie. You probably stopped me from getting caught.