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Sensors in every car since 2005 that could prove you guilty in a crash

devilsson2010's Avatar
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I recently took my Driver's Ed course and the teacher was talking about these sensors that all, yes ALL, cars have had built into them since 2005. These sensors supposedly hold all of the information about you driving. If the police get a warrant to get this little sensor/chip thing out (and they will), it can tell them everything you were doing before a car crash, e.g. driving too fast, too slow, turning eratically, not having your seat belt in, etc…

Again, this was just what my Driver's Ed teacher said.

Anyone know anything about these things and how you can take them out of your car or change them (just out of curiosity) ?

ghost's Avatar
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Hmmm, I donno I've never heard this and I can find no information on it. It's just kinda hard for me to believe that all makes of cars just decided all collectively to put these 'censors' on their cars. I could be wrong, but I doubt it and could find no information on it. But my car isn't quite a 2005 so I guess I should consider myself lucky :p.