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Newbie's Questions.

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Well, first of all how would I be able to see a site's directory? And does anyone know the bits of code that files, like .png, .jpg, .gif starts with? I've found them once, forgot to bookmark it.

And finally, running .exe on a .png it is possible is it not? I've seen it too same site I found the start of the picture files and all those.

Third would be, robots.txt is there any other name it goes by? Because, I basically want to see what they are hiding then be able to go to that place they are hiding something I want. And if you need to know I'll be looking for programs/guides using google. Then looking for it in the directory. I think my language is correct, sorry I AM a newbie :(

Get back to me please.

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so, your trying to find stuff with google, have you thought of using google to find your answers?

I mean, come on man, you don't ask for much on your first post; no hello, how ya doing, hi i like clouds.. this thread already feels like a bad relationship

if your looking for programs, i know a few websites that have lots of them.. thepiratebay.org isohunt.com

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Anything that isnt a specific question will be ignored and by specific meaning you cant find the answer in other places such as…idk…how about…maybe…: http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/ Look at the articles, lessons, forum, shit like that on this site. Do research before you ask, otherwise you'll get your nuts stomped.

To view a directory simply, have the directory (which is a page and how do you get to a page? You type in the url. Directorys have information stored in them, when hacking a site you want info on the site…duh.) which can be taken from many resources. Viewing the source or using a program called IntelliTamper to show what directorys/web pages are connected to the site. I forgot what your other questions were…anyways peace.

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Cracker_Jax wrote: so, your trying to find stuff with google, have you thought of using google to find your answers?

I mean, come on man, you don't ask for much on your first post; no hello, how ya doing, hi i like clouds.. this thread already feels like a bad relationship

if your looking for programs, i know a few websites that have lots of them.. thepiratebay.org isohunt.com

I have used google, for most of the questions. Except for the part where I want to see the directory, like the part where it says parent direcotry and sall that. And it isn't a program I'm looking for in the site, I'm looking for a file, and I am not sure if it's there so I'm trying to go the place like I said where I can see what is there…