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PHP question

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Ok well it seems that learning php is the way to go in web scripting so i started learning on W3Schools and i came to the GET and POST variables and at the bottom of the page it said the the $_REQUEST could recover data for post, get, and cookie. My question is that if this variable can recover cookies can it be used to steal cookies??

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i still have to learn php anyways. I'm starting a webserver for kids at my school so learning php will help me with the login scripts.

Uber0n's Avatar
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DeafCode wrote: it said the the $_REQUEST could recover data for post, get, and cookie. My question is that if this variable can recover cookies can it be used to steal cookies?? Since $_REQUEST must be used from the server side PHP script, the only thing you could do is to steal the cookies for your own site from your users… Which is useless.