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How to hack.

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I know Javascript, CSS , html, xhtml, and some other languages and I am learning more as fast as i can, but I was wondering, How do you actually hack into a website and change things. Like how do you edit its stuff, etc. I always hear people talking about how they learned C++ or C or some other languages and then they hacked a website and changed stuff/viewed private information/ anything they want to. I really want to know how to be able to do this stuff. Thanks.

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Hacking a website is a skill that comes as you learn about the services that would run a website. There is no one way, because vulnerabilities are different among different websites. Read up on SQL injection and start reading up on articles. Many people think it's just a trick that comes when you read one paper or hear one thing. It takes time and a lot of trial and error.

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well if you know what you say you know then you should be able to answer your own question. but just in case you are unable to put two things together, the challenges provide a good concept of ways to find possible vulnerabilities

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read read read and than read some more

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matt_familyguy wrote: I always hear people talking about how they learned C++ or C or some other languages and then they hacked a website and changed stuff/viewed private information/ anything they want to. When it comes to websites, you should rather study PHP, MySQL and different web application exploits than coding stuff in C++ ;)