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What does javascript do?

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Hey all. Ive read over javascript manys a times and learned alot of the commands. but one thing i cant seem to find out is what javascript actually does. it seems to me to be exactly like html. what else does it do?

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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Javascritpt is a lightweight online scripting language. It is embedded into html and is interpreted by your browser, not the server. It allows greater control of web page behavior than does HTML alone. Javascript is alot of times used to colect stats of the people who go on the site, or to manipulate the site with fancy eye-candy. Any really cool effect that is incorperated in alot of pages (transitions, some login, alot of other stuff) can usually be done in JS. That is the webmaster version

For hackers: javascript is a language that (input everything from webmaster part) andthe logins usually are insecure and easy to bypass. Javascript injection can sometimes be used to mess with cookies or logins to allow access or changes to be made.

Hope this helped and sorry if it really isn't the best overview, but I only have like 30 secs then I have to leave.


P.S: If i forgot anything please add it, this is a very basic subject and everyone from leet to n00b should at least know what it is. smiles knowingly ;lol

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rofl. very much thanks Neo_Chalchus for ur help. i can now move on with my life.;)

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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Thank you for listening to me preach, thing is I really don't have anything to preach about (other than censorship of course, DAMN WEBSENSE!) Very glad I could help though NC

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one more thing. howd ya get your Avatar to move like that and say ur name?(im new to this)

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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oh, I have paint shop pro, but you can get a freeware gif maker. Just go to download.com type in the search box "animated gif" and then find one that is freeware and then make one, you just have to make individual frames, I made mine with just text, I was a newbie too. But then just upload it

Maan, now that I think about it I gotta update my avatar, mine still sucks from when I was learning how.


You need anything else just post here or PM me. Cheers B)

ghost's Avatar
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do ya create it form scrath or do u have to have something already created?

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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I made it from scratch, that's why mine really isn't all that great, I was just starting out with any graphics editor. But it really isn't all that hard, besides by using a free host (web host) you can get 5 points for it in the other challenges section


ghost's Avatar
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a right got ya.tryin now

Neo_Chalchus's Avatar
Lover of Parkour
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have fun :) oh, and remember…complicated is not always better!


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JavaScript is an executable interactive language and with advanced skillz in JS you can write lots of small snippets to help the security of your site, JavaScript injections (aka XSS) are the largest attack the internet is currently undergoing as sites constantly being hacked through a technique called 'Cookie Grabbing' and by that afterwards either cracking your hash to plaintext or decoding it (if possible); and sometimes some hackers use the easy way 'Cookie Poisoning' in which they edit their cookies (Using AnEC for Mozilla Firefox) your own cookie values.

JavaScript afterall is a dangerous executable language, but one which without, most sites will be most probably boring and people will be using hardways just to make a popup (such as the alert() command).

~ oxeh

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oxeh wrote: JavaScript is an executable interactive language and with advanced skillz in JS you can write lots of small snippets to help the security of your site, JavaScript injections (aka XSS) are the largest attack the internet is currently undergoing as sites constantly being hacked through a technique called 'Cookie Grabbing' and by that afterwards either cracking your hash to plaintext or decoding it (if possible); and sometimes some hackers use the easy way 'Cookie Poisoning' in which they edit their cookies (Using AnEC for Mozilla Firefox) your own cookie values.

JavaScript afterall is a dangerous executable language, but one which without, most sites will be most probably boring and people will be using hardways just to make a popup (such as the alert() command).

~ oxehJavaScript doesn't help the security of your site

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Michael33 wrote: JavaScript doesn't help the security of your site

Damn right. Don't forget you can never ever trust anything client side, even data. Even a session id! Always remember to completely validate anything coming from the client. =)