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ghost's Avatar
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I have manage to solve logic one chalenge, I send an answer week ago but didn't get any reply. Is this normal that it take so long??

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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who did you send it to?? firestorm or invislbegeek.

because invisiblegeek was fucking around with the site then, so he hasnt bothered do anything with the logical challegnes.

If you sent it to firestorm, he will add your points once he checks his PM's. But remember he gets loads of PM's a day about logical challengfes.

ghost's Avatar
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If you sent it to me, you'll have to wait untill the problem is fixed. See, I have a problem with adding points. It doesn't seem to work for now. I got 9 new messages right now so if yours is in there, you'll know very soon.

ghost's Avatar
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The admin panel problems are fixed (thanks <edit Grind> Jake and Grindordie </edit>). I added all of your points. If I forgot anybody, please resend your answer. Sorry for the delay.

ghost's Avatar
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I sent in a couple to firest0rm a couple of weeks ago. After no reply I asked in a PM to him if he had seen it. Meh. Perhaps you really do have a large PM box. Or did my responses get lost in the tragic hacking of HBH? Either way, firest0rm, let me know. Thanks

xdanx's Avatar
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I have a problem………

I think i sent the answer to "…/messages.php? step=send&user_id=3 " ! As i see user_id 3 is GhostlyHacker ……

What should i do ? Should i write again the answer ? :(

[I had an old saved page on my computer from where i took the problem text and i think that it wasn't updated !!!!!!! ]