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Logic 1

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Do I only have a scale, or can I use something else in addition to the scale (say, a beaker of water)?

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Assume that you only have the equipment stated in the challenge. It is possible using only the things you have.

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it was very easy

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this made me think for a little while and then it came to me and i was kicking myself on how i missed it, ill give you a hint, you dont weigh the same number of beads from each bag, and the fact that their 10 grams makes it easeyer to work out…

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Wait, can't I just take one bead from each bag and put them on one by one, and the scale will tell me when I reach the 9 ounce bead? Then that bag the bead is from would logically be the bag with the 9 ounce beads.

Or is the scale useable only once and can't be used twice sucessively?

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this might be considered a spoiler. i come here everyday so if someone thinks it is ill edit it tomorrow.

find a way to sort your beads into fractions. so that when you scale that final group of beads u can tell by the error what fraction it belonged to.

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you can only use the scale ONCE after that it will break and will not be able to give you anouther reading, this includes adding or taking away from what is already on the scale.

we know there are 2 different weights, 1 bag with 9g beads and 4 bags with 10g beads try to think of what effect this would have on an avereage,

if your still stuck look at my other accounts aritcle on logic challenges (Neon_Wing)

if your still stuck after that feel free to pm me or add me to msn, i feel uncomportable posting spoilors in public forums