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I have his:

  1. Age
  2. Phone Number
  3. Location
  4. Name
  5. The sports he enjoys

What more could I possibly need? This is killing me… How do figure out his pass with this.

ghost's Avatar
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Alright, so you have a bunch of answers, now try mixing two or more together…like: sporthelikes w/ phone# phone# w/ sporthelikes etc. etc. etc.

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That will take years!

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Crill3 wrote: That will take years!

Nah, maybe at most a couple hours. I think it took me an hour, all put together. I like got some answers, tried some, for like 10 minutes or so. Then, i came back to the challenge when i wasn't bored anymore. So, it's not all that bad. You just need some persistance.

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This challenge is stupid(what do you learn) and i dont get it :P… How many question together? 4?

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lol sry but what do you mean put 2 questions together???

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Like answers, maybe you get an answer of 14 and 89, so try:

14 89 1489 8914

like that.

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Well..uh, i just tried it then. And um, i only asked for to things and the answer was correct. lol, Here is a hint though, answer is 2 numbers.

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hey u guys i think maybe i found something i just typed in a * and he aswerd ? i guess its nothing but he reactedon star LOL

ps:im not brain dead or brainless im just…………..e……..littlebitt stuupid :P

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Grindordie wrote: Well this is the trick to the mission Most of the users dont read the profile of this guy If you read carefully [heedful] it says he likes #s why dont you mess around with the #s you got ;) Hmmzzz: golden tip that is… I tried ONE password and got the 30 points!

w00t this one made me Elite ;)

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There is too many spoils in this thread ! I've done the challenge in 10 or 15 mn. after i read it. Helping others is good, but don't give the solution like here. This is killing the fun of the challenge.

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lol it took me about 2 min :p

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i have got it all now i think but i dont know what he likes of spoert i knows he likes sports and math and computer and please dudes help me!

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It's already been said that the answer is two numbers, why worry yourself about sports?

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but is it 2 single numbers like say…8/5 or 2 double numbers like 25/65?

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huh just two things you know from him nummershint

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Neoquesty wrote: but is it 2 single numbers like say…8/5 or 2 double numbers like 25/65? Do you really want it narrowed down that much for you?

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well no not if its gona basiclly give me the answer but youve all said enuf already i shud be able to do this by myself

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Hihi, it was pretty easy after reading the post :D 30points fur mich!

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nights_shadow wrote: Like answers, maybe you get an answer of 14 and 89, so try:

14 89 1489 8914

like that. Thanks, I tried that and it worked.

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maybe im just retarted but i still cant figure it out….

[edit by system]Serious spoilers[/edit]

nothings worked and its pissing me off..can any give me a hint as to what number or what question i should ask?

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its 2 numbers and not 2 digits and its really easy once you see what information you have

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Does it have anything to do with his name ?

ASmithOne11 ??

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nope… there are so many spoilers in this thread

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Crill3 wrote: That will take years!

Took me 10secs.

interslice's Avatar
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i dont know wat to ask him so that he will give me an answer that is a number. i hav his age and phone number but that doesn't work. plz help.

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If you have two numbers remember it could go the other way. like lets say phone number and how many sports he likes(one of those is a fake) It could go phone number then sports, or sports then phone number. Remember, no spaces.

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people. ask him quesitons regarding numbers. age, birthday, FAV NUMBER, phone number, HE LIKES NUMBERS AND MATH!!!!


Try combinations of the numbers. No spaces or anything ot seperate them. Its just 2 of the numbers back to back. as in..

11 or 1112 or 001100 or 101010101010 u get hte point.

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once i did this challenge i noticed how many obvious spoilers there are in this, for example the name of the page you get points at. lol

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Okay this task is stupid. I can't ask anny questions,

All I get is:Please make your question more specific.

I simply ask: What are your phone number again?, and I don't get anny ansver…

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Noxin wrote: Okay this task is stupid. I can't ask anny questions,

All I get is:Please make your question more specific.

I simply ask: What are your phone number again?, and I don't get anny ansver…

Think about it, it's not really a proper English sentence "What are your phone number again?" Try different variations.

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Noobhacker316 wrote: I have his:

  1. Age
  2. Phone Number
  3. Location
  4. Name
  5. The sports he enjoys

What more could I possibly need? This is killing me… How do figure out his pass with this. well, all the answer resides here only :p

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Why the heck did you bumped this old topic? No one talked in it for 10 days, and you are posting something worthless.

Dont_bump \ o/ | /\

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i get already..thank you all.. :D:D

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Actually its pretty easy…but that ASmithOne11 is not that clever to answer what I've asked…anyway…it's fun!!!:D

ghost's Avatar
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how are ppl getting it i've looked though this thread and others but i still dont get it,

is there ne hint about the password u could give (pm me) :)

yours31f's Avatar
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it helps way too much i got it in like 3 and 1/2 mins

yours31f's Avatar
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it helps way too much i got it in like 3 and 1/2 mins

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I also managed to get his birthday out of him.. I always seem to complicate things when i do this challenges.. he said he lived in ohio so i looked up diffrent sports teams in ohio and tried those mixed with players numbers. I can't believe how simple this challenge was!

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to many god damn numbers in his phone number…

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The problem with this challenge, as with most of the other reasonably simulated challenges, is that the majority of users are not willing to put in real time investments when trying to solve them. It's meant to teach you something, so spend some real time on it. Expand your way of thinking; then, you'll get the solution and get a permanent positive from it at the same time.

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ive put some time in on this one. Using his phone number and age and Birthday. I split the phone number into to digits at time just seeing as the age and birthday are two numbers as well, just made sense, tried all possible combos. Did the same while spliting the number up the way a normal phone number would be split when it has -'s combined with other numbers gotten from the questions..took quite some time actully. Still didnt get it right though oh ya and after looking at the sourse just in case and all the number 89 is the php page so threw that in too. seems like putting in some time to me…

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noober wrote: ive put some time in on this one. Using his phone number and age and Birthday. I split the phone number into to digits at time just seeing as the age and birthday are two numbers as well, just made sense, tried all possible combos. Did the same while spliting the number up the way a normal phone number would be split when it has -'s combined with other numbers gotten from the questions..took quite some time actully. Still didnt get it right though oh ya and after looking at the sourse just in case and all the number 89 is the php page so threw that in too. seems like putting in some time to me…

That is putting in some time. However, I can't sympathize with your plight, as this really is an easy challenge once you ask the right questions. Just try different combinations of numbers and you'll get it. If you're having trouble with the challenge, check out the three articles in the Articles section for more help.

I'm not trying to make it sound like you haven't put effort into the challenges… I'm only saying that you haven't put ENOUGH effort into them. Continue to exercise that muscle upstairs by organizing different combinations, and you'll get it. Don't let it get you frustrated.

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Guys, just write down a dictionary with info you got and a program to test every combination…this won't get more than 5 minutes!:ninja:

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got a prog u recommend for that?

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noober wrote: got a prog u recommend for that?

I recommend a program that you custom-write. :)

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Yeah i wrote it by myself…after all it's just a cycle…something like 25 llines long will do it ( php+curl)!

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lmao, i got it in one guess before looking at this post :P


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omfg, he is soooooo damn stupid. He cannot answer"Do you like math?" WTF! How freaking stupid is this thing!!! I just wanna fucking kill him!!! I started asking him if he was a little cockboy… he didn't get that either…

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^^^^^reason why forum posting should be raised to 100^^^^^

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korg wrote: ^^^^^reason why forum posting should be raised to 100^^^^^

Hear, hear.