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crypt 3. just do it

ghost's Avatar
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ok… so i've got the entire thing decrypted…. but i think that i need to get some capitalization errors….

w*** i* b**** * w** c******* i w*** t* h*** w** c****** t***

sooo….. anyone got any help for capitalization?

id give you a hug and a kiss unless your a guy or an ugly girl

EDIT: solved!

Uber0n's Avatar
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Capital letter in the beginning of the first word. The second word should only consist of one letter. For the words with only one letter, stick to common English grammar ;)

ghost's Avatar
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Uber0n wrote: Capital letter in the beginning of the first word. The second word should only consist of one letter. For the words with only one letter, stick to common English grammar ;)

pretty sure the second word has two letters :P

ghost's Avatar
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can i PM someone because i swear i've tried about everything and i just double checked that word is two letters and i tried it with one letter too….:@

ghost's Avatar
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I got the answer (no caps needed) but i can't find an algorithm that works perfectly.

I had to alternate between switching the key during spaces, and not switching it, then i just picked the words that were english

Acin's Avatar
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I am pretty sure that I have the right sentence and proper grammar, but it still won't accept my answer. Can I PM someone about the capitalization?

ghost's Avatar
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u can pm me if u want…

shadowls's Avatar
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Im also available for pm if Hes not online.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, I know the English language and I know the answer, but the frigging thing just wont take it. Can I pm someone with the answer and maybe they can explain to me why it doesnt work??

There is nothing more annoying then taking an hour or more out of your day to do something then getting a fail over something as ridiculous as grammar. They should make a grammar section if its needed, not make 1/3 of the missions not work over grammar thats not even in the equation.

Sorry for the rant, but it does get annoying :@ I can see the need for grammar, but I have used many different grammatically correct answers. Im pretty sure all of them with no results.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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There's no real hidden trick in the grammar, It's the proper way to do it. Pm me if your still stuck.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, of course I'm in the same boat as everyone else, I have the decrypted text, but of course it's not accepting my answer(s).

I have tried many different combinations of capitalization and punctuation and they all give me the same invalid result.

I am very sure that I have the right phrase as it's all in english and makes sense (well, makes sense with lack of punctuation).

I agree with b0r15, it's kind of ridiculous that it takes longer trying to form a correct answer than it does to decrypt the message. I cant help but think that if this was a realistic scenario, and the decrypted message was something like "we attack $someCountry tomorrow at 8 a.m.", then $someCountry wouldn't need to get the correct capitalization and punctuation before they could try to prevent the attack. If it was a password or some kind of case-sensitive command/directory then i would understand the need for grammar. However, decrypting a message and continuously failing to submit it is quite discouraging to say the least.

Now I wonder how many more threads/posts are gonna have to be made about this challenge before someone steps in and says "Hey maybe we should make some changes to the way the submitted answer is checked so we dont get people filling up the forums saying the same thing"…. or maybe even "Hey, why dont we make a thread that says: here is how to format encryption challenge 3's answer so that you pass after you decrypt the message.

So lastly, I must ask if I can pm someone my answer so they can tell me how to format the answer so i can pass an encryption challenge I decrypted a long time ago.

I apologize for my frustration, Slim420

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Maybe you didn't read my post before you. Use proper grammar with the challenge and it will work. The challenges are made to make you think not hand you an answer. If you still have problems PM me.

TecNick's Avatar
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I'm also stuck with this. I've got the right sentence (at least I hope so) but the form don't take my answer. Maybe someone is online for PM?

rex_mundi's Avatar
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Ignore all the previous bullshit about proper grammar, correct punctuation and capitalisation, as it is no longer required to pass the challenge.

All you need to do now is decode it correctly and submit your answer for the points.