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Making A new IP

Making A new IP

By ghostghost | 5335 Reads |
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"How do I change my IP address?" and "Can I change my IP address?" are probably the most commonly asked questions. Please attempt the following then, if that does not work, visit the forums.


  1. Get to a command prompt. (START, run, cmd).
  2. Type "ipconfig /release" (without the quotes).
  3. Type "ipconfig /renew" (without the quotes).

Windows (second option)

  1. Get to a command prompt. (START, run, cmd).
  2. Type "ipconfig /release" (without the quotes).
  3. Shut down computer.
  4. Turn off computer.
  5. Turn off all ethernet hubs/switches.
  6. Turn off cable/DSL modem.
  7. Leave off overnight.
  8. Turn everthing back on.

Network with Router

  1. Log into the router's admin console. (Often
  2. Release the IP address. (Method varies by router manufacturer)
  3. Turn off router.
  4. Turn off all ethernet hubs/switches.
  5. Turn off cable/DSL modem.
  6. Leave off overnight.
  7. Turn everything back on.

If you are using a cable/DSL modem and a router, you may wish to connect your computer directly to the cable/DSL modem. Please note that this could significantly impact your system security.

These will not work in all cases. If all else fails contact your internet service provider (ISP).

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

"How do I change my IP address?" and "Can I change my IP address?" mostly by people who frequent childporn sites

Nubzzz's avatar
Nubzzz 19 years ago

you dont really have to turn off and leave off your router overnight to reset your ip just turn it off and then on again. anyways cool articleB)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago


SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Dude, this isn't your article. Please give credit to the people who originally wrote it