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Changing Your Windows XP Startup and Shutdown Sounds

Changing Your Windows XP Startup and Shutdown Sounds

By ghostghost | 4282 Reads |
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Changing Your Windows XP Startup and Shutdown Sounds

By: BlackAce227

As you might have already known, I like to mess with Windows XP a lot.  It just doesnt do what I want it to do.  Thats why we have Windows XP tweaks.  This tweak that I will be explaining is fairly simple and will be able to change the sounds of the Startup and Shutdown to whatever you want.  Interested? You must be, Considering your still reading.  This is a lot easier than it appears.  Moving on...

First, go to start -> Control Panel.  Once at the Control Panel, go to Sound, speech, and Audio Devices.  Then, under "Pick a Task", click "Change the sound scheme".  Make sure you are under "Windows Default".  Scroll almost all the way down until you get to Exit Windows.  Click on the browse button and pick your desired .wav file to replace the default.  I would sugest placing your new wave in the "C:\WINDOWS\Media" files.  Then click the apply button.  Now the next time you shutdown windows, you will hear the sound of your choice playing!  This also works with Windows Start, Windows Login, and Windows Logoff.  
I hope you enjoyed this small Windows XP tweak and will apply it to your own box.



ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Yeah very Helpful BlackAce227 just if your a basic user and you dont know how to that then you cant be older then 3 or 4 years old

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

I like this i h8 that annoying windows sound but it sucks you can only use wavs so im off to get an mp3 2 wav converter :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

actually i didnt know about changing it. i thought it was alot harder than that and i thought other ppl thought that as well. thats why i wrote it

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Not Bad, B)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

actually i didnt know about changing it. i thought it was alot harder than that and i thought other ppl thought that as well. thats why i wrote it
