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Classes in PHP 5

Classes in PHP 5

By ghostghost | 9455 Reads |
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In this article, I’ll explain how to use classes in PHP 5. So, let’s start!

Every class definition begins with the keyword “class”, followed by a class name, followed by a pair of curly braces which enclose the definitions of the class’ properties and methods.

The class name can be any valid label which is a not a PHP reserved word (like public, private, addslashes, etc.). A valid class name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.

A class may contain its own constants, variables (properties), and functions (methods).

class myClass {
	public $myVar = "myVar";
	public function myFunction() {
		echo $this->myVar;

The keyword $this is available in all classes. When you use the “get_class($this)”, you will get the name of the class name:

class myClass {	
	function getClassName() {
		echo get_class($this);

The output of this will be: myClass

Well, let’s say we include the file class.myclass.php (see below) in index.php (below too), where we want to use the class’ methods and properties:

File: class.myclass.php

class myClass {
	public $myVar = "myVar";
	public function myFunction() {
		echo $this->myVar;
	public function getmyVar() {
		return $this->myVar;

File: index.php

$instance = new myClass();
echo $instance->myVar . "<br>";
$instance->myFunction() . "<br>";
echo $instance->getmyVar();

The output of this will be: myVar myVar myVar

Let’s take a closer look at the code: First, we include the class file. If we wouldn’t do that, PHP gives an error that “myClass” is not defined. Then, we create a new instance of the class “myClass”. If you don’t set a new instance and just use myClass::getmyVar(), the script won’t work correctly because “$this” is not defined. With the just created instance of “myClass”, we can use the property “myVar” and the methods “myFunction()” and “getmyVar()”. The difference between the methods is that “myFunction()” echoes the variable “myVar” immediately and “getmyVar()” just returns “myVar”.

What about inheriting a class?

That goes with the keyword “extends”. Let’s take a look at the following example:


class childClass extends myClass {	
	public function echoMyVar() {
		echo parent::myVar;
		echo parent::getmyVar();

$instance = new childClass();

This does exactly the same as the example with “index.php”, but now the class “childClass” extends “myClass”, what means it inherits it’s methods, properties, etc. However, if the function “getmyVar” in class “myClass” was declared with the keyword “private” instead of “public”, the script won’t work. Private functions are not visible for an inherited class.

You can also define “constants” in PHP classes. Constants always remain unchangeable Here’s an example:

class constExample {
	const constVar = "constant value";
	public function echoConst() {
        echo $this->constVar;

$inst = new constExample();

Well, let’s see how constructors/destructors work in the classes:

class baseClass {
   function __construct() {
       echo "Class constructed";
   function __destruct() {
       echo "Class destructed";

$inst = new baseClass();

This will echo “Class constructed”, because you defined a new class. When the class gets destructed (when exit() or something is called), the script will output “Class destructed”. Of course, you can pass parameters with __construct and __destruct, as they work as normal methods.

Well, this are the very basics of classes in PHP. I hope you have learned something about this!

Black Wolf

stealth-'s avatar
stealth- 14 years ago

Why no code tags? The code was pretty hard to follow due to the lack of code tags and how pretty much everything had the same name. Add that to the fact that there are already thousands of PHP tutorials out there that probably include this, and I can't rate this any better than average. It wasn't horrible though, just needed some more effort put into it.

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

Sorry about the code tags. This is my first article, but didn't knew code tags were supported because they didn't work when I previewed it -.-

ynori7's avatar
ynori7 14 years ago

Seems pretty basic. Not horribly written, but nothing special. Average rating from me.

ranma's avatar
ranma 14 years ago

It's alright. But pretty basic stuff and would have liked to see more applications of the classes in PHP. As in, what can you do with these classes? give examples.

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

This is just enough of an article on PHP classes to make me want to go read an article somewhere else on PHP classes. It started off well, then just reiterated a few basics with an inheritance twist in there. Just learn from the criticisms here and write a more complete article next time. :) Average here as well.

korg's avatar
korg 14 years ago

I liked it myself, good basic start for PHP classes.

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

Using OOP with Design Patterns is really nice.. :p

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

This is pretty basic yes. Although it says "Classes in PHP", not "Advanced usage of OOP in PHP5".

Although, I'd like to see more of a detailed comment on why and when to use classes. How it can be extended, abstracted and finalized and what it means should be included as well.

Average from me.