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[C++] Advance concept, Linked List

[C++] Advance concept, Linked List

By ghostghost | 6838 Reads |
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/*************************************** Advance C++ concept Linked List by : Alka G Vulcan email: ankiov.spetsnaz@gmail.com ***************************************/

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

The concept of the article was good but, ultimately, you have to ask yourself where this belongs. If you're going to post A LOT of code and very little commentary, you need to put it in the code bank. Articles are more for information than demonstration. I'm going to rate this Good because, despite the fact that you misplaced the article and seemed to give a halfway effort, you posted about a concept that is beyond "absolute beginner" or "utter crap" level. Hopefully, your articles will find more explanation and, for your code-heavy bits, the code bank could use some quality code.

fashizzlepop's avatar
fashizzlepop 16 years ago

@Zephyr Well see, I think that this WAS properly placed because the code bank is pretty much useless right now and also, he did describe the difference and pros/cons of link list and array very well. Even for someone who doesn't know much C++ I still understood the concept he's trying to express. I would still say good though.

@moshbat Reading this it looked as if English may not be his first language. He probably thought it looked cleaner and more organized with those comments. I think it looks fine.

fashizzlepop's avatar
fashizzlepop 16 years ago

And the code wasn't completely overkill because of the comments in it. I might guess that the whole source wasn't read by you guys because he describes it a little more in depth in it. Just a guess.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

The horrid state of another repository of information on HBH doesn't justify the misplacement of this information. That would be like me justifying a forum question in the articles because the forums are crapped up beyond belief. His comments before and after his code were sparse and could have just as easily been block comments before and after his code. Your guess is wrong; don't assume. I read the articles thoroughly before I comment and, while your comments were viable, the placement was wrong. Argue it all you like. Your praise of the in-code comments actually argues against your point.

Night_Stalker's avatar
Night_Stalker 16 years ago

I must agree with moshbat… My english teacher would get mad, were she to read "Intro", "Main", and "END", in an essay/article… I see no need to put it in there. Unless it is for skids… but… they don't give a damn about coding… AVERAGE. :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

it is my personal belief that as we get more and more into code… word it self can't describe all… source code is the only way to describe it…

for example… i can try to describe AVL or splay tree with words… but one can't simply draw out how to program such thing because of complexity… LL isn't that complex but I thought it was better idea….

that was the reason why i went more with code less with words….

and i guess it's personal preference to put end and begin… :P my apology….

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

No apologies needed. Your article had good information in it. :)

Uber0n's avatar
Uber0n 16 years ago

This is good information and useful code, although the rest of the text is a bit so-so. I'm rating it Very Good since it actually describes something more advanced than "Hello World" but still is easy to understand ^^

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

this kinds of stuffs are what separate skid from programmer… in all actuality writing a "working" program isn't the hardest part of programming, making a program that is efficient in speed and memory by utilizing such data structure is the toughest part…

Link list doesn't really have speed advantage but it doest have memory space advantage… i'm planning on writing another article about Binary Tree, which gives us pretty darn good speed advantage in our programs….

Night_Stalker's avatar
Night_Stalker 16 years ago

@UberOn… Yeah…. I hate that "Hello World." I had someone try to do it with me in JAVASCRIPT… Wtf….