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By ghostghost | 4483 Reads |
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Hello, in this article I am going to show you a trick in BlitzBasic coding. First off, BlitzBasic is a language used for making games. Second of all, please do not try to make a program using BlitzPlus it is not made for anything other than making games.

Now for the fun stuff ;)

Parts of this article:

Part 1: Intro Part 2: The program Part 3: How the program works Part 4: How to hack this applet Part End: Last of article

————————Part 1———————––

Introduction to BlitzPlus/Basic

Hello, BlitzBasic is a very, very easy to understand language. I am almost positive you will follow along but if you don't please go to Part 3 for a step by step guide to this tutorial. Okay now it is very easy to learn BlitzBasic, all you have to do to print 'Hello World' is this

Print "Hello World" delay 5000

Now wasn't that easy if not just hang on I will tell you about it in Part 3.

–––––––––––––Part 2————————

The Program.

;pass.exe - password protect

AppTitle "passbox" ;asks user the pass hehe = Input$("What is the password? ")

;var lol = 11514251514 ha$ = "'http://somesite.org'"

;looks to see if pass was right .password
If hehe = lol Then Print "correct!" Delay 500 Print "your link is " + ha + "!" Delay 50000 End

;tells user to guess again Else Print "You have 3 trys left!" Print "" hehe = Input$("What is the password? ") Goto password1 EndIf

;looks to see if pass was right .password1 If hehe = lol Then Print "correct!" Delay 500 Print "your link is " + ha + "!" Delay 50000 End

;askes user to guess again Else Print "You have 2 trys left!" Print "" hehe = Input$("What is the password? ") Goto password2 EndIf

;looks to see if pass was right .password2 If hehe = lol Then Print "correct!" Delay 500 Print "your link is " + ha + "!" Delay 50000 End

;askes user to guess again Else Print "You have 1 try left!" Print "" hehe = Input$("What is the password? ") Goto passwordend EndIf

;looks to see if pass was right .passwordend If hehe = lol Then Print "correct!" Delay 500 Print "your link is " + ha + "!" Delay 50000 End

;tells user he can't guess any more Else Print "You have 0 trys left!" Delay 250 Print "This will end in 2.5 seconds" EndIf

;waits 2.5 seconds, then ends Delay 2500 End

———————–Part 3–––––––––––––

How passbox.exe works

' ; ' means this comment

' print ' means print text

' input$ ' means type something (in numbers)

' lol ' this is a variable

' ha$ ' this is a variable

' delay ' means how many milliseconds go by before it goes to the next command.

' goto ' Never use this!

' hehe ' this names the the line as in hehe = Input$("What is the password? ")

' .sometext ' this names the block

' apptitle ' names the application

' end ' ends program instantly

' if ' this is what happens if condition is true

' else ' this is what happens when condition is false

' endif ' ends the if…else loop

———————––Part 4————————

How to hack this applet

Please tell me how to hack it when is is an .exe file not the text I have above.

Just PM me your answer if you do and it is right I will put you in my sig for 3 days.

P.S. It is very easy.

———————–Part End————————

Last of this article

I hope you enjoyed my article to get BlitzPlus please go to blitzbasic.com.

I would not recommend ever using this as a password form unless you wish to make a user login for a game.

For more info on BlitzPlus please PM me and I would be happy to help you.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

"' goto ' Never use this!" You say not to use it, but don't say why not.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

caity I think it's because he would rather people use WHILE loop's etc rather than LABEL, IF (), GOTO LABEL…. Anyways don't see why you cant make a program out of this?

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Here I coded a prime number finder in blitzbasic code bank it works fine.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Here sorry forgot a bit UPDATE

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

The reason I said never use the goto command is because it will turn you code in to spaghetti code. And wolfman is that how you want to hack it?

richohealey's avatar
richohealey 17 years ago

now… spaghetti code…

the password checker… UGLY.

code a loop. define a function. do SOMETHING.

just because you need to do something three times does NOT mean you should just copy and paste the code.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

"Second of all, please do not try to make a program using BlitzPlus it is not made for anything other than making games."

I made a prime number finder in blitzlasic here so why not make a promgram in it?

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

The reason I didn't make a loop is becuse I wanted to get my point across about the goto I have made the 3 pass forms with BlitzPlus. If you want to make programs out of BlitzPlus go ahead it is just a lot harder because it was meant more for graphics and events not pass forms and what not if you want to use BlitzBasic to program stuff I would use BlitzMax but that is just me do what ever you want.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

This seems like the most boring and long winded programming language of all time.

spyware's avatar
spyware 17 years ago

Seems like basic².

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

I just recoded it and made it use the repeat…until loop :) And yes it is a boring language but it is a great gaming programing language.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Can you show me a game you have coded in it?