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Introduction to C++

Introduction to C++

By ghostghost | 3918 Reads |
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Hey there, In this article I will be talking a bit about the C++ language..

So you ask what's C++, Well is C++ was originated from the programming language C. C++ is the enhanced version of C providing object-oriented programming.

Ok let's start.

To start up a project u need a C++ compiler there are quite a few c++ compilers out I myself use devC++ and Microsoft visual c++ 6 there are others such as borland and turboC++, for beginner I recommend VC++ 6.

To make comments within your C++ program u use the following syntax "//comment comes here" Comments are usefull for good programming.

To start a project u use the line "#include <iostream>"

Iostream is a header file which is used for Input/output in the C++ programming language

Next we user "using namespace std;" All the elements of the standard C++ library are declared within what is called a namespace

and finally "int main()"

So now we have the following

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { }

That is the basic outlook of a program now let's start coding

We are gonna make a simple program to display the age of the use…

We will use the following two statements cin and cout

Cin = Consol input(get's what the user enters) Cout = Consol output(display's what the user entered)

Ok so now we will want to declare a integer called age doing so we use the following syntax

int age = 0;

Now we have the integer age we will want to get what the user enters u use the following to get the data from what the user enters

cin >> age;

We use the ; to end a statement that we have made.

Now to display what the user enter we will use

cout << age << endl;

endl; = Ends the current line.

So the code would look as following

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int age = 0; cout << "Please enter your age: "; //We want the user to enter his/hers age. cin >> age; //Here we get what the user enters cout >> "Your age is: " >> age >> endl; return 0; }

Ok so those are the basics on C++ and remeber when outputting a variable not to use the quotes or else it will just output what u entered as the variable name…

Thank you for taking your time and reading:)

  • Nightfox

bl4ckc4t's avatar
bl4ckc4t 18 years ago

Im not an expert on C++ but iostream is for cout. its a header that makes cout more efficient.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

never explained: what a comment is about ; why we need to declare variables what return is/does

if you want to do an introduction tutorial you should start with a simple hello world ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

never explained: what a comment is. about ";". why we need to declare variables. what return is/does. if you want to do an introduction tutorial you should start with a simple hello world. (sorry had to post again because the last one looked like shit

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

BORLAND SUCKS! Bloodshed Dev-C++ is better, it has a nice GUI

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice tutorial. :) But line 8 of your code should have the arrows facing the opposite way for cout. Besides that, great work!:happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

if someone will start learning from such a poorly written article, he has no future in programming. you even got the cout wrong. whats good in someone who knows how to do a hello world proggie but doesnt know what every line does.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

What the fuck, this is the biggest piece of shit article ever. You only tell half-truths about everything, one example is "std::endl; <== ends the line". My fucking dog could have told you that by GUESSING. std::endl; prints out a newline character and than flushes the output buffer. Learn the fucking language before you try and teach others. kkthxbai