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Networking batch file

Networking batch file

By ghostghost | 4543 Reads |
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ok, I made this batch about 1 month ago. Any comments, questions, or ideas, please e-mail them to me at vegetaman111@gmail.com please include(if you are giving tips or bugs) any info you have for fixing this program.

@echo off title Made By Vegeta_man111 :start cls echo Hello! Ready to have some fun? pause cls echo Choose what you would like to do…. echo 1. PINGer echo 2. net send someone in your network echo 3. Find more to do…. echo 4. Give me Feedback/Comments echo 5. Remote Shutdown echo 6. Use information echo 7. Quit echo. set /p choice=Which would you like to do?: if %choice% == 1 goto choice1 if %choice% == 2 goto choice2 if %choice% == 3 goto choice3 if %choice% == 4 goto choice4 if %choice% == 5 goto choice5 if %choice% == 6 goto choice6 if %choice% == 7 goto choice7 cls :choice1 cls netstat -a netstat -n echo Write these IP numbers down now…. pause echo Your IP is: ipconfig pause set /p variable=now, input your friend’s Ip address… : pause :loop ping %variable% goto loop :: Note, the net send will only work for people on your network! :choice2 cls Echo Send Messages to your friends pause cls set /p net=Ok, now choose malicious or regular(input either malicious or regular): if %net% == malicious goto malicious if %net% == regular goto regular cls :malicious set /p z=Alright, now you need to decide…. All people or one?(input all or one): if %z% == all goto all if %z% == one goto one cls :all set /p q=Now, you are about to net send a message maliciously (continously) to ALL PEOPLE ON THE NETWORK. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS?(y or n): if %q% == y goto y if %q% == n goto start cls :y echo Yeah, we both now know you have some serious balls. Now it is time to use them…. pause :repeat Set /p Y=Message: Net send * %Y% Goto Repeat :one echo Ok, now We are going to net send someone malicious style, Hehehe. pause>nul net view echo. echo Ok, now choose which user to net send from above, and then pause :again Set /p X=Friend: Set /p Y=Message: Net send %X% %Y% Goto again :regular Echo Ok, now we are gonna net send the easy way. pause>nul net view echo. echo Ok, now choose which user to net send from above, and then pause Set /p X=Friend: :continue Set /p Y=Message: Net send %X% %Y% Goto continue :choice3 cls echo Ok, we gonna start with some place simple…. pause cls start www.google.com set /p yesno=Is that good enough? (y or n) if %yesno% == n goto yourturn if %yesno% == y goto end :yourturn cls set /p go=What site would you like to go to then? cls start %go% goto start :choice4 cls echo Feel free to e-mail me feedback or comments at vegetaman111@gmail.com pause>nul cls goto start :choice5 cls Echo Ok, here you can remote shutdown computers on your network. pause cls Echo Choose what you would like to do…. echo A. Shutdown echo B. Log off echo C. Restart echo D. Abort set /p pick=What do you want to do? (input A,B,C, or D): if %pick% == a goto a if %pick% == b goto b if %pick% == c goto c if %pick% == d goto d cls :a Echo Shutdown…. pause cls net view set /p user=Which user/computer would you like to shutdown?: shutdown -s -f -m%user% set /p decision=Do you want to go to beginning or do more remote shutdown?(input start or remote): if %decision% == start goto start if %decision% == remote goto choice5 cls :b echo Log off…. pause cls net view set /p user=Which user/computer would you like to log off?: shutdown -l -f -m%user% set /p decision=Do you want to go to beginning or do more remote shutdown?(input start or remote): if %decision% == start goto start if %decision% == remote goto choice5 cls :c Echo Restart…. pause cls net view set /p user=Which user/computer would you like to restart?: shutdown -r -f -m%user% set /p decision=Do you want to go to beginning or do more remote shutdown?(input start or remote): if %decision% == start goto start if %decision% == remote goto choice5 cls :d echo Abort…. pause cls net view set /p user=Which user/computer would you like to abort?: shutdown -a -f -m%user% set /p decision=Do you want to go to beginning or do more remote shutdown?(input start or remote): if %decision% == start goto start if %decision% == remote goto choice5 cls :choice6 Echo PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I CANNOT BE BLAMED FOR ANY MALICIOUS USES OF THIS PROGRAM. WHAT YOU DO WITH IT IS UP TO YOU. THIS IS FOR LEARNING PURPOSES ONLY!@! pause>nul goto start :choice7 cls set /p close=Are you sure you would like to close this and end? (y or n): if %close% == y goto end if %close% == n goto start :end echo Thanks for using my program! See you next time! pause>nul exit

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Shouldn't this go into the coding bank thingy

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

that was my post that somehow vanished!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Wow. Serious effort put into this article.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Very nice program

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

woah ,super cool program:)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

yeah, I have been meaning to work mor eon it, but I havent had a chance. Right now I am fighting off the trouble from everyon for being a "anarchist" as everyon says I am (I have no clue!!!!) so I havent been able to work on my coding any, but I plan on working in something very new that i dont htink anyone has seen before. Hopefully soon when school starts I can find a new language to code stuff in. thanks again.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

its an nice program, but any school/network can easy block it, with that said batch isnt the best program language, you should try somthing like c++ –> system() commands, that way only you can use the program, and stupid admins will have an harder time blocking it

techb's avatar
techb 14 years ago

I know this is an old post, but in Windows 7 and vista "Net Send" was replaced with "msg.exe"