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Browser usage

Browser usage

By ghostghost | 6258 Reads |
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How to reduce the risk on getting infected by viruses by the choice of your browser.

Bill Gates will not be glad to read it, but journalist Arjan Dasselaar describes in his book ‘Digital criminality’ how to block viruses, and his first tip is to remove Internet Explorer from your machine. But, this guy is right, the new browsers are not only more efficient, but safer too!

Because up to now more than 85% of internet users still uses the Microsoft browser, most virusdesigners create spyware for Explorer. Below are some alternatives. But don’t tell anyone, or we are back to where we started ;)

  1. Mozilla Firefox

Ten percent of internet users use Firefox, it works faster and is as easy to use as Internet Explorer. (myth or not, this is how AD describes it… more info on the myths of firefox can be found on http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/FirefoxMyths.html) With a few aid-programs you can even follow ‘stockmarket notations’ (don’t know the exact english term for it.) and weather forecasts everywhere on the planet. But beware! Firefox is getting popular too, so more and more hackers start designing virusses for Firefox. Chances on getting one in are way smaller than with IE, but not 100% inexistant.

You can download Mozilla Firefox freely on www.getfirefox.com

  1. Opera

Not even two percent of internetsurfers has chosen for Opera, kinda recent browser, developped in Norway and only since September available for free. Creators call their browser the fastest on earth, but they might as well add ‘safest’. On top of that, Opera is ready to be commanded by voice, in stead of the computermouse.

Opera can be found, free, on www.opera.com

  1. Flock

The succes of the newest player Flock is based on something tricky, and has been designed by the belgian Bart Decrem. With flock you have the possibility to put information on the web by yourself and share it with other people. Most of the time this is about pictures, movies or lists with favourite links. Barely known, so real safe! Only thing is the browser is still in preview-fase. You can test it, but not use it every day.

All info on www.flock.com

  1. Safari

You know them, the Mac-fans. They resist every use of pc’s and fall on their knees when someone in their close environment drops the name Steve Jobs, who is the brain behind Macintosh. Now, they don’t only do that because they flip on the cool design of Apple-computers, but also because they are pretty safe concerning internet usage. Safari is the name of the handy browser wich has been made by Apple itself. It looks like IE, but works faster, better and is standard on every Mac.

This is my first essay, i hope you all like it… it has been freely translated from a dutch article (so sry for the english, wich might not always been realy good…) source of the dutch article: http://www.nieuwsblad.be/Article/Detail.aspx?articleID=GFPNH1OR =newspaper article…

edited the spelling mistake ;)(one of them, ok :p)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

this is a newspaper article ? kewl :D i wish newspapers in my country would write about browsers :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

in fact it's an article about a book, but it was in the newspaper yes :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

He was wright eh? Lol, I know English isn't your first language but I couldn't help it. >.<

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

rrrrright :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Here's my article: How to reduce the risk on getting infected by viruses by the choice of your OS. I think you know where it goes from here :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

I stand by Opera always :) I'd say it's a fair bit quicker than Firefox with around the same RAM usage… And since Firefox has gone all mainstream, it'll become much less stable, whereas (just like the above article says), much fewer use Opera :D