Mechanics- a simplified overveiw.
Mechanics- a simplified overveiw.

Mechanics: Mechanics is the study of motion, it is a major part of Physics and Mathematics, Newton was a major contributor to the field and Einstein of course… However these are not the only two!
Newtonian[ Or Classic] Mechanics:
The equations of motion:
- v = u + at
- x = ut + ( at(2) )/2
- v(2) = u(2) + 2ax
Where a is Acceleration, u is initial velocity, v is final velocity, t is time, x is displacement[ s is used sometimes]. Also note because I don't know how to do superscript 2 here (2) stands for to the power of 2 [squared].
Newton's laws of motion:
Newtons first law of motion: A body at rest or constant velocity will remain at rest or constant velocity untill a resultant force acts upon it.
Newton's second law of motion: F=MA, Force = Mass* Acceleration. Or Force=dP/dT change in moment over change in time. Also, Force*Time is known as IMPULSE. At a basic level acceleration is caused by a force, at a higher level mass is also involved[ we can assume its constant, read below for further details].
Newtons third law of motion:
Basic: Every action has an equal and opposite action,
but more accuratley:
If body A acts on body B, then body B will act on body A with a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
Thrid law pairs are forces which are equal but opposite and also must be the same type of force.
Quantum Mechanics:
Newtonian or Classical Mechanics only applies while mass is contstant, at velocities greater than half that of light or very high energies then the phenominom described by E=MC(2) and explained by Einstien in his paper: "Is the inertia of a body dependant on its energy?" occurs and Newtonian mechanics fails. At these extremes mass is sufficiently increased (M=E/C(2)) as C the velocity of light is always constant. Once the mass changes so does the acceleration (F=MA). However this does not effect the results of 'normal', low velocity, motions and as Quantum Mechanics is more complex than Classical, Newtonian equations are applied.

ghost 19 years ago
Well done wolf, this is gonna come in alot of handy for anybody thats into public-privet key encryption

ghost 19 years ago
wrong article liquidice, lmfao! you just listen to what I said it might be usefull for then pretended to read 'em!

ghost 19 years ago
Nice article, very informative :)
And just for future reference: (Alt + 0178) = ² (Alt + 0179) = ³ If that was what you were after

Mtutnid 14 years ago
Quantum mechanics? I think you have mixed this up with something. Quantum mechanics is about the mechanics of small things like protons electrons neutrons quarks and their entanglement and wave-particle duality and not about high speeds of objects…