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Linux / UNIX Articles

LInux Terminal Introduction

A beginners introduction to the very powerful linux terminal

14 years ago 11540 Reads
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Automatically Mounting Hard Disk Partitions at Start-Up on Linux

How to mount a partition automatically on Linux.

15 years ago 11660 Reads
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An Introduction to Backtrack 3

A short guide to getting up and running with backtrack 3 fin

16 years ago 14967 Reads
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Why Linux is mistaken to be the Hacker OS

Why does Linux and *nix in general scare people into thinkin

16 years ago 14699 Reads
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Mac OS X Physical Security

Mac OS x security article

16 years ago 5896 Reads
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Single-Packet Authentication and Protocol Analysis

SAP Authentication and Protocol Overview (Basics).

16 years ago 10284 Reads
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X: 6000-6063 (TCP) Service Abuse

X Windows System Misconfiguration hacking and the infamous \

17 years ago 10221 Reads
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Making Linux Live CDs

For anyone that doesn't know, or anyone interested in Linux

17 years ago 4779 Reads
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Securing Linux (ESSENTIALS)

Important to do before surfing the net, or making a connecti

17 years ago 6727 Reads
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WinSCP3 - Local & Remote PC files TRANSFER.

sometimes you want to transfer files from linux to windows w

17 years ago 4967 Reads
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A Guide To Using Wine

Emulators ?

17 years ago 5755 Reads
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John The Ripper For Linux

John The Ripper Tutorial For UNIX/LINUX Only

17 years ago 6530 Reads
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Wiping LOGS on *nix Systems

For educational purposes only.

17 years ago 5115 Reads
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Mac Terminal Easter Eggs

Hidden fun in the \"Terminal\" program of Mac OS X

18 years ago 8832 Reads
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Cron Jobs

An intro to cron jobs

18 years ago 5397 Reads
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Unlock System Preferences [Mac]

Gain complete access to all the panes of the system preferen

18 years ago 11919 Reads
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