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Russia vrs Estonia - CyberWar

Russia vrs Estonia - CyberWar

earthlingpink writes about the ongoing DDoSing of Estonia. The Guardian is reporting that Russia stands accused of engaging in a three-week-long series of cyber-attacks. Government, banking, and media websites have been targeted. It is unclear whether the attacks are sanctioned or initiated by the Russian Government, but Estonian authorities believe that to be the case. NATO has sent security experts to Tallinn to help beef up defenses. The Estonian defense minister said, "At present, NATO does not define cyber-attacks as a clear military action. This means that the provisions of… collective self-defense, will not automatically be extended to the attacked country… this matter needs to be resolved in the near future." <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6665145.stm">Read More

Ayr4's avatar
Ayr4 16 years ago

What does this means then?:angry:

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

if you bomb a countrie's information center it constitutes a clear 'act of war'. why does organized DoSing not constitute an act of war if the effect is the same? (assume there's no loss of life in either case)

definitions of internation law on what constitutes warfare need to be addressed and ammended for the digital era we now live in. an "e-Democracy" cannot survive under prolonged organized Dosing…

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

CYBER WAR!!!!!!!

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 16 years ago

i've been asked my russian media to comment on this event. i'll post you the link to the newspaper article after if you want.

richohealey's avatar
richohealey 16 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Well Russia and estonia originally had a conflict as in an actual sort of war i think it was because they were the first to separate from the soviet union- I'm russian and have met estonians, but estonians seem to have a constant grudge against our race probably cause we did kill some of their people, but thats what happens in conflicts, probably explains the cyber-war although it would be almost definitely over something else