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Asbo Equivalent Planned For UK Hackers

Asbo Equivalent Planned For UK Hackers

<img src="http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6358/homeofficeei4.png" style='margin:5px;' align='left'>The Home Office has proposed a new order, which could give police and the courts the power to give suspected hackers and spammers the equivalent of an <a href= "http://www.crimereduction.gov.uk/asbos9.htm">Asbo (anti-social behaviour order). The order, known as the Serious Crime Prevention Order, is intended to help fight rising cybercrime levels, and will enable civil courts to impose the orders on individuals, even if they haven't been proven guilty, or worse, convicted of a crime. This only applies to the UK, for now at least.

<img src="http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6358/homeofficeei4.png" style='margin:5px;' align='left'>The Order is planned for cases where police don't have enough evidence to prosecute suspected cybercriminals.

With this order, the police and courts would have "almost unlimited powers when imposing conditions on the person receiving the order."*

The courts would have the right to take computer equipment, aswell as their businesses, property, or anything which may "have been used to facilitate serious crime" from individuals, without needing any evidence against that person.

"The proposals would give extensive powers [to the courts and police]. Suspected hackers could be banned from the Internet, or banned from entering Internet cafés," a Home Office spokesman told ZDNet UK.

This is just another example of how hackers are being descriminized around the globe, and it appears theres not all too much we can do about it.

<span class='small2'>*Source: zdnet.co.uk

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago

fuck sake. i always thought i'd get a ASBO at some point, but never thought i'd get one for being too good on the computer. :right:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Christ. They just want people with a wider knowledge than them to no longer exist. Imho this is nit picking at it's greatest. for cases where police don't have enough evidence to prosecute suspected cybercriminals is them basically saying that they will hand it out if there is no law allready set for something.

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago

just means whenever people do certain things, just got to be extra extra careful about being caught. none of the "ah fuck this proxy its too slow, meh i'll turn it off instead" attitude many have.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Way things are going, I wouldnt be suprised if get your computer taken away for visiting hbh… :angry:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Thats the biggest lods of shit law ever, anyway, if you a true and good hacker you wont get caught! :ninja:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

"Suspected hackers could be banned from the Internet" I would love to see them try and do that

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

@tancurrom: actually, its been done before. A while ago, a hacker (dn remember his name) hacked the mastercard website n stole every1s credit card (or sumfing). He was forbidden access to all computers :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

thats one person!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

He was forbidden access to all computers what if he used a psp or a phone? lol :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Way before the times of psp and cellphones XD Plus I doubt they'd av let him buy one.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

well playstation just lost a five year legal battle to try and class the PS2 as a computer, so you should be able to use a psp :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Fuck those assholes:evil:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

omg, I almost cried when I read this (Not really) that is even worse then the [Internet neutrality](Internet neutrality) bill in the U.S.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

This is crap. This laws are crapy and unfundamented. All this ASBO and stuff, are just a way to stupid people mess with whoever they want…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Yet another stupid idea from the Home Office. They could never ban peoples access to the internet. Use a friends WiFi, neighbours WiFi, strangers WiFi, The Pub, Internet Cafe, Phone etc etc the list goes on! i'd love to see them try and ban me! We will always find a way, we are all hackers after all!! Peace!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

But then breaching the terms of the near-asbo can land you in jail, they will have some sort of survellience (sp?) on the people who get one, as I assume there will not be too many people.:right:

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

this sucks I don't want an asbo for hacking!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Haha I second system_meltdown. Would be a bitching conversation at school. "omg you got an asbo…what you do"… "well i found and exploited an xss hole in some shitty site" - "so you didn't get pissed and fight an O.A.P?"

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Damn i really love holland right now…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

"without needing any evidence against that person"

what ever happen to the 'innocent untill proven guilty' idea? if some 1 was gonna burst in to my house and take 1000's worth of kit i would want there to be a gd pile of evidence…..maybe not….but u get wat i mean;)