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Simple ARP spoof detector - Bash Code Bank
Simple ARP spoof detector
A simple peice of code for checking if the MAC address in the ARP cache changes and gives a prompt when it does.
Please feel free to give constructive criticism. I no Bash wizard, so go easy.
For some reason, \\\\\\\'s are being added to the code, you will need to remove them to get it to work
export REALARP=`arp -a | cut -d\" \" -f 4`
sleep 5
export NEWARP=`arp -a |cut -d\" \" -f 4`
echo $NEWARP
while [ \"$REALARP\" = \"$NEWARP\" ]; do
sleep 5
export NEWARP=`arp -a | cut -d\" \" -f 4`
zenity --warning --text \"ARP table changed, DG is now $NEWARP\"
bahpomet1105 9 years ago
Cool script I use it and mod it a little but used it as the backbone thanks chompish