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Prints terms of the Fibonacci series - Assembly Code Bank

Prints terms of the Fibonacci series
A small program that calculates and prints terms of the Fibonacci series A small program that calculates and prints terms of the Fibonacci series
                ; fibo.asm
; assemble using nasm:   
; nasm -o fibo.com -f bin fibo.asm
; Alterable Constant
; You can adjust this upward but the upper limit is around 150000 terms.
; the limitation is due to the fact that we can only address 64K of memory
; in a DOS com file, and the program is about 211 bytes long and the 
; address space starts at 100h.  So that leaves roughly 65000 bytes to
; be shared by the two terms (num1 and num2 at the end of this file).  Since
; they're of equal size, that's about 32500 bytes each, and the 150000th
; term of the Fibonacci sequence is 31349 digits long. 
	maxTerms    equ 15000	; number of terms of the series to calculate

; Number digits to use.  This is based on a little bit of tricky math.
; One way to calculate F(n) (i.e. the nth term of the Fibonacci seeries)
; is to use the equation int(phi^n/sqrt(5)) where ^ means exponentiation
; and phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2, the "golden number" which is a constant about 
; equal to 1.618.  To get the number of decimal digits, we just take the 
; base ten log of this number.  We can very easily see how to get the 
; base phi log of F(n) -- it's just n*lp(phi)+lp(sqrt(5)), where lp means 
; a base phi log.  To get the base ten log of this we just divide by the 
; base ten log of phi.  If we work through all that math, we get:
; digits = terms * log(phi) + log(sqrt(5))/log(phi)
; the constants below are slightly high to assure that we always have 
; enough room.  As mentioned above the 150000th term has 31349 digits,
; but this formula gives 31351.  Not too much waste there, but I'd be
; a little concerned about the stack!
        digits	    equ (maxTerms*209+1673)/1000	

; this is just the number of digits for the term counter
	cntDigits   equ 6	; number of digits for counter

        org     100h            ; this is a DOS com file
; initializes the two numbers and the counter.  Note that this assumes
; that the counter and num1 and num2 areas are contiguous!
	mov	ax,'00'		; initialize to all ASCII zeroes
	mov	di,counter		; including the counter
	mov	cx,digits+cntDigits/2	; two bytes at a time
	cld			; initialize from low to high memory
	rep	stosw		; write the data
	inc	ax		; make sure ASCII zero is in al
	mov	[num1 + digits - 1],al ; last digit is one
	mov	[num2 + digits - 1],al ; 
	mov	[counter + cntDigits - 1],al

	jmp	.bottom		; done with initialization, so begin

	; add num1 to num2
	mov	di,num1+digits-1
	mov	si,num2+digits-1
	mov	cx,digits	; 
	call	AddNumbers	; num2 += num1
	mov	bp,num2		;
	call	PrintLine	;
	dec	dword [term]	; decrement loop counter
	jz	.done		;

	; add num2 to num1
	mov	di,num2+digits-1
	mov	si,num1+digits-1
	mov	cx,digits	;
	call	AddNumbers	; num1 += num2
	mov	bp,num1		;
	call	PrintLine	;
	dec	dword [term]	; decrement loop counter
	jnz	.top		;
	call	CRLF		; finish off with CRLF
	mov	ax,4c00h	; terminate
	int	21h		;

; PrintLine
; prints a single line of output containing one term of the 
; Fibonacci sequence.  The first few lines look like this:
; Fibonacci(1): 1
; Fibonacci(2): 1
; Fibonacci(3): 2
; Fibonacci(4): 3
; INPUT:     ds:bp ==> number string, cx = max string length
; OUTPUT:    CF set on error, AX = error code if carry set
; DESTROYED: ax, bx, cx, dx, di
	mov	dx,eol		; print combined CRLF and msg1
	mov	cx,msg1len+eollen   ; 
	call	PrintString	;

	mov	di,counter	; print counter
	mov	cx,cntDigits	;
	call	PrintNumericString

	call	IncrementCount	; also increment the counter

	mov	dx,msg2		; print msg2
	mov	cx,msg2len	;
	call	PrintString	;
	mov	di,bp		; recall address of number
	mov	cx,digits	;
	; deliberately fall through to PrintNumericString

; PrintNumericString 
; prints the numeric string at DS:DI, suppressing leading zeroes
; max length is CX
; INPUT:     ds:di ==> number string, cx = max string length
; OUTPUT:    CF set on error, AX = error code if carry set
; DESTROYED: ax, bx, cx, dx, di
	; first scan for the first non-zero byte
	mov	al,'0'		; look for ASCII zero
	cld			; scan from MSD to LSD
	repe	scasb		;
	mov	dx,di		; points to one byte after
	dec	dx		; back up one character
	inc	cx		;
	; deliberately fall through to PrintString

; PrintString 
; prints the string at DS:DX with length CX to stdout
; INPUT:     ds:dx ==> string, cx = string length
; OUTPUT:    CF set on error, AX = error code if carry set
; DESTROYED: ax, bx
	mov	bx, 1		; write to stdout
	mov     ah, 040h        ; write to file handle
	int	21h		; ignore return value
	ret			;

; AddNumbers
; add number 2 at ds:si to number 1 at es:di of width cx
; INPUT:     es:di ==> number1, ds:si ==> number2, cx= max width
; OUTPUT:    CF set on overflow
; DESTROYED: ax, si, di
	std			; go from LSB to MSB
	clc			;
	pushf			; save carry flag
	mov	ax,0f0fh	; convert from ASCII BCD to BCD
	and  	al,[si]		; get next digit of number2 in al
	and	ah,[di]		; get next digit of number1 in ah
	popf			; recall carry flag
	adc	al,ah		; add these digits
	aaa			; convert to BCD
	pushf			;
	add	al,'0'		; convert back to ASCII BCD digit
	stosb			; save it and increment both counters
	dec	si		;
	loop	.top		; keep going until we've got them all
	popf			; recall carry flag
	ret			;

; IncrementCount
; increments a multidigit term counter by one
; INPUT:     none
; OUTPUT:    CF set on overflow
; DESTROYED: ax, cx, di
	mov	cx,cntDigits	;
	mov	di,counter+cntDigits-1
	std			; go from LSB to MSB
	stc			; this is our increment
	pushf			; save carry flag
	mov	ax,000fh	; convert from ASCII BCD to BCD
	and	al,[di]		; get next digit of counter in al
	popf			; recall carry flag
	adc	al,ah		; add these digits
	aaa			; convert to BCD
	pushf			;
	add	al,'0'		; convert back to ASCII BCD digit
	stosb			; save and increment counter
	loop	.top		;
	popf			; recall carry flag
	ret			;
; prints carriage return, line feed pair to stdout
; INPUT:     none
; OUTPUT:    CF set on error, AX = error code if carry set
; DESTROYED: ax, bx, cx, dx
CRLF:	mov	dx,eol		;
	mov	cx,eollen	;
	jmp	PrintString	;

; static data
eol	db  13,10		; DOS-style end of line
eollen	equ $ - eol

msg1	db  'Fibonacci('	;
msg1len	equ $ - msg1

msg2	db  '): '		;
msg2len	equ $ - msg2
; initialized data
term dd maxTerms		;
; unallocated data
; A better way to do this would be to actually ask for a memory 
; allocation and use that memory space, but this is a DOS COM file
; and so we are given the entire 64K of space.   Technically, this 
; could fail since we *might* be running on a machine which doesn't
; have 64K free.  If you're running on such a memory poor machine,
; my advice would be to not run this program.
; static data
counter:			;
num1 equ counter+cntDigits	;
num2 equ num1+digits		;

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

Top notch stuff

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

I agree, it's good, now do it with SSE :). But really, consider using a call to printf or something to do the printing, it's just as good(better than int 21h IMO) and saves you time. One thing to keep in mind if you do use an imported function, is that "\n" is preprocessed into CRLF by HLL compilers, so if you want a return, you actually have to use CRLF in asm.

I'm voting for "Very Good."